Kodi movies and metadata

Last Updated or created 2023-02-05

UPDATE: 20220307

I’m using Kodi for a long time now, but never was really satisfied with the results of automatically scraping metadata.

Movie names had to be just right, and changing some metadata was hard.

A while ago i made a NFO generator for own movies, digitized 8mm material, mobile movies etc.

So for movies/tv shows i started using Tinymediamanager for metadata management. You have more controll over your NFO files.
Don’t forget to add media sources to Kodi, selecting the ‘local NFO scraper’ option.

I’m using TVDB scraper in TMM, and trakt to mark seen.
But that way i’m missing IMDB top 250.


  • Scrape metadata for selected movies
  • Choose IMDB as the Metadata scraper
  • Remember to DESELECT ALL metadata options with the exceptions of Rating , to keep your existing metadata.
TinyMediaManager Scraper page

Problems with premiered date/release date showing up as movie date in kodi? Here is my fix.

find . -type f -name '*.nfo' -print -exec sed -i -e '/<premiered>/d' {} \;
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