Last Updated or created 2022-05-30
We wanted to have a nice design for our Folk Bands Audio CD.
So i designed a stamp we could use to stamp ink on a white CD.

Last Updated or created 2022-05-30
We wanted to have a nice design for our Folk Bands Audio CD.
So i designed a stamp we could use to stamp ink on a white CD.
Last Updated or created 2022-12-02
This year we spend our vacation in Peru and Bolivia with Arja. (20160606-20160704)
We did the Death road in Bolvia, wellll Arja and me. Coline fell ill the day before.
I tried to get a sense of what it was using a action cam mounted on my helmet and speeding it up in afterprocessing.
Shamefully i have to admit, that most of the times my camera was recording my frontwheel ..
To post: script/program to create this effect
See for more information.
Starting at 4700 meters and on the good parts going down @70km/h. Then the dangerous parts started. Feeling like ‘offroad’ narrow corners, where you can expect to see a minivan coming around the corner anytime. Steep drops without barriers. Water and land slides.
(Whole story in dutch)