Post topic: My life changed when changing this one setting. Answer: Congratulations, you have a boring life.
Post topic: You are using this and that wrong! Answer: No I don’t
Post topic: Only 1% see this optical illusion/What you see first tells you what kind of person you are./You are a genius when you find the numbers in this illusion. Answer: No it doesn’t
Post topic: This setting is ruining your experience. Answer: No I like it in the current setting
Post topic: Creepy HIDDEN map tracks .. blah blah. Answer: No its not hidden, and it there by default and can be toggled using the settings menu.
Post topic: Do this now! You will be happy you did. Answer: No I don’t, didn´t and never will
Post topic: Expect has cracked the code for a happy life. Answer: Suuure..
Post topic: The BEST recipe for … Answer: Depends what you like, maybe its a GOOD recipe, liked by more people.
Post topic: The top 10/best .. you have to own. Answer: My top 10 is different, shutup.
My BBC Acorn model B is working again. The original monitor is still dead.
Time to play with some machine code and ROMs.
My machine has a NFS rom installed. (NetFS)
Econet was Acorn Computers’s low-cost local area network system, intended for use by schools and small businesses. It was widely used in those areas, and was supported by a large number of different computer and server systems produced both by Acorn and by other companies.
I found a ROM online called Gremlin. It is a 16K rom file. But at the moment I only got some 28C64 (8k) or 28C256 (32k) eeproms.
32k it is. But de beeb having address line A14 floating high, I need to flash the upper 16k of the 32k ROM.
Ben posted a youtube about Wozmon running on his 6502.
In 1976, Steve Wozniac wrote what’s commonly known simply as Wozmon.
Wozmon is a machine-code monitor program written by Wozniak for the Apple 1. In Only 256 bytes ! Being pure 6502 code easily adaptable. A monitor program allows you to view/edit and run machine code using simple commands.
I’ve got a different setup as Ben’s computer. But changing the necessary, and it will run on my 6502.
I’m not using rs232 voltage levels (-7 till -25 and +7 till +25 volts). I’m using a usb serial uart standard 5v leveling stick …
For address decoder see other post
Simplified schematic of my UART/ACIA
Compiling the Wosmon gave me an error, DEC is not a valid opcode for a bare 6502 .. but we have a 65c02. Solution: Add -c02 extra opcodes
error 1 in line 187 of "wozmon.s": illegal operand types
> DEC ; Decrement A.
# fix .. add -c02
vasm6502_oldstyle -c02 -Fbin -dotdir wozmon.s
Below Apple I Manual with the sourcecode for Wozmon
Uploading didn’t work Solution: Using chrome it had access to the usb port to upload, firefox didn’t work
The program didn’t compile, faulty or zero size hex file. Solution: Wrong Maqueen library was in the examples (After changing, needed version update also, see below)
Not everything is in Dutch (I like English, but this is for the boy), maqueen V2 needed a lot of translation. (So we joined to help translating the libraries)
Apparently my AI camera can be connected to this robot!
Our bedroom has a shelly dimmer, this one is connected with a wall switch and is being controlled by Domoticz, Home Assistant and NodeRed.
I had to fix some stuff, so this was a perfect time to jot down some notes.
I’ve wired it up like this: (I’ve got a Line wire in my ceiling socket, so i placed the module there instead of the wall socket)
Configure the Shelly as mentioned in the manual. After that do the following: Advance > Developer settings : (Enable CoIot if you want a easy auto detect for Home Assistant) Enable MQTT (This will DISABLE cloud ! ) Server: the ip number of your Mqtt Broker
Next I did was:
Now the wall switch will change/toggle what the current state is. (If the light is off, and you switch it on using Mqtt, you probably needed to hit the switch two times to turn it off again. Not so with this setting.)
My Nodered Flow ( Not using the Shelly palette nodes in this example)
The Mqtt IN node sets the state of the switch when you use the wall switch! Cozy turns light on at a specific level. The slider send an off command when 0% selected, else an on command and the sliders value.
Pizza’s eaten: Too many ( sometimes 2 times a day), it was hard to get something else to eat besides Pizza and Pasta.
Oldest building : 500BC
Km walked: 220Km Km driven: ? (calculating) Will update when i post something about unwritten traffic rules in Italy.
Types of transport: Plane, train, metro/subway, bus, scooter, bike, car, walking
Temperature high: 32 Temperature low: 16
About the photos .. it finally happened. More mobile photos where taken than with our trusty Nikon! (Read our New Zealand post, why trusty .. rain damage on both Mobile and Nikon D750)
Some data about longer trips since 2010
This has multiple reasons:
Coline took loads of mobile phone pictures. (I was mostly in charge of the Nikon) She is trigger happy ..
We didn’t take the big camera always with us at night, going for dinner.
Sometimes it was too hot for me to focus on taking good pictures.
I didn’t make panoramic and time-lapse photos.
Why still use dlsr?
Better sensors (larger image chip) Small image ICs give more cross noise due to the image pixelsensors being to close to each other) So more pixels does NOT equal better images!
More control over your settings.
Better lenses and faster. Better aperture equals better DOF!! (Depth of field)
"If something is worth doing, it's worth overdoing."