Last Updated or created 2023-06-24
Ben posted a youtube about Wozmon running on his 6502.
In 1976, Steve Wozniac wrote what’s commonly known simply as Wozmon.
Wozmon is a machine-code monitor program written by Wozniak for the Apple 1. In Only 256 bytes ! Being pure 6502 code easily adaptable.
A monitor program allows you to view/edit and run machine code using simple commands.
I’ve got a different setup as Ben’s computer.
But changing the necessary, and it will run on my 6502.
I’m not using rs232 voltage levels (-7 till -25 and +7 till +25 volts).
I’m using a usb serial uart standard 5v leveling stick …
For address decoder see other post
Compiling the Wosmon gave me an error, DEC is not a valid opcode for a bare 6502 .. but we have a 65c02.
Solution: Add -c02 extra opcodes
error 1 in line 187 of "wozmon.s": illegal operand types > DEC ; Decrement A. # fix .. add -c02 vasm6502_oldstyle -c02 -Fbin -dotdir wozmon.s
Below Apple I Manual with the sourcecode for Wozmon