Tag Archives: lasercut

Bash-completion, C64 Pico Amplifier and Laser cutting

Worked on bash autocompletion for QP

source below script to get
qp <tab><tab> shortcode

Not happy with both versions yet …

#/usr/bin/env bash

# Version 0.1
  COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "$(qp | cut -f2 -d \' )" "${COMP_WORDS[1]}"))
complete -F qpcompl qp
# V 0.2
_qp_complete() {
    local cur prev opts
    opts="add del"

    case "${prev}" in
            COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -d -- ${cur} ))
            return 0
            COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -f -- ${cur}) )
            return 0
            COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "$(echo add; echo del ;echo "" ; qp)" -- ${cur}) )
            return 0

complete -F _qp_complete -o nospace qp

Game controllers : left into right setup

My Bus Manipulator

And a Jigsaw in progress (with our own made clock in the background)

C64 Pico Amplifier

My C64 had a problem with previous attached speaker.
It drew too much current to drive. And random characters where printed.
Choosing another speaker and a minimal amplifier solved the issue.
(Thanks to Bigred finding the problem at Bornhack 2024)

My minimal amplifier for:

Using below mini speaker:

QuickPath and laser cut designs

Today I made a Linux version of Tyrone’s QuickPath tool.

My friend Tyrone came up with a great idea.

A directory switching tool, to move around in often used directories.
You can use a keyword to move around. These keywords are configured in a config file.
Even starting Total Commander with preset directories.
Work/Private/Programming environments.
His version uses PowerShell, but he wanted a multiplatform version, so we have chosen to use Python on both environments.

My version uses Python and Bash.
(Bash is used for a change directory workaround on Linux and bash completion.)

Source will be in Tyrone’s git when finished.


  • qp – lists config items with number and short key
  • qp 1 or qp c64demo – changes directory to below example
  • qp add c64demo /data/store/git/projects/c64code2024 – add a entry
  • qp del 1 – removes entry
  • qp mc tmp c64demo – starts midnight commander with left and right directories

Tomorrow some laser cutting, so let’s design some things to cut.

  • Jigsaw test – using engraving and cutting
  • Make a front for my bus manipulator
  • Make some cases for the game controllers (These are beta, and will be 3D printed at a later stage. My old 3D printer is slow)

Today some lasercutting for Home Assistant Spotify RFID


Lasercutting a case and the playlist selectors.

Close-up RFID stickers I’m using.

Below is a test with different methods.
I like reading the booklets, so a CD i cool, and I don’t need a CD player.
(The RFID tag is in the case)
The little cards are for bought audio files I don’t have a physical CD for.

Wooden case with RFID reader being powered by external powerbank

What am I gonna do?
Cube as I had? Wooden playlist selectors as in above movies?
The cards I’ve printed?
Maybe a small record player with an RFID reader inside?

3D printed like this? https://makerworld.com/en/models/66671
UPDATE: 20240327 – Little Record I 3D printed with little groves.

Home Assistant code for Playlist and Album automations
(B.t.w. The method is still using an Arduino and MQTT topics, as mentioned before)

alias: SpotifyAlbum
description: ""
  - platform: mqtt
    topic: spotify/rfid/id
  - condition: template
    value_template: "{{ trigger.payload in playlistkeys.keys() }}"
  - service: media_player.play_media
      entity_id: media_player.spotify_fashice
      media_content_type: album
      media_content_id: spotify:album:{{ playlistkeys.get(trigger.payload) }}
mode: single
    "71719674": 20TANs4iXVeLp387zjgmec
    "71260666": 5325ECcBhnIysoqyENGCYi
    "71457530": 7wyOeD9HcUuMFMO8pTflap
alias: SpotifyCube
description: ""
  - platform: mqtt
    topic: spotify/rfid/id
  - condition: template
    value_template: "{{ trigger.payload in playlistkeys.keys() }}"
  - service: media_player.play_media
      entity_id: media_player.spotify_fashice
      media_content_type: playlist
      media_content_id: spotify:user:spotify:playlist:{{ playlistkeys.get(trigger.payload) }}
    "69229050": 0SOay3RkjojjevrF5lHMON
    "69491194": 5f8w3UHlD9Ozz6Y4VHs6kF
    "69753338": 0bJvpsn0TDZwIDUjz4d75S
    "70015482": 37i9dQZF1DX9HwI3Crikcm
    "70277626": 37i9dQZF1EQmK1rjZuPGDt
    "70539770": 2KeRLMmGMxI5UgzE7m0iCp

In the past, Aloha and I made a simple solution like this using barcodes in < 2000s.
Due to the many obscure recordings I have, I am thinking about creating something like this for Picore player and my local Squeezebox server.

Logitech Squeezebox / Media Server Solution

alias: squeezealbumplay
description: ""
  - platform: mqtt
    topic: spotify/rfid/id
  - condition: template
    value_template: "{{ trigger.payload in playlistkeys.keys() }}"
  - service: squeezebox.call_method
      entity_id: media_player.squeezebox
      command: playlist
        - play
        - "{{ playlistkeys.get(trigger.payload) }}"
mode: single
    "71719674": /tank/celtic/Celtic/M/Martyn Bennett/Bothy Culture/
    "71719675": /tank/celtic/Celtic/D/Davy Spillane/Atlantic Bridge/
    "2159056458": /tank/celtic/Celtic/M/Michael McGoldrick/Arc/

Laser cutting a door sign

I’ve got a nice stone slate, perfect for a door sign.

I wanted to paint our names and house number. But now that i’ve got a lasercutter, lets do that.

I’m going to use the design i’ve used for the Folkband Bags, and add some stuff.

First test on the back of the slate

Using a Sculpfun S9, Power 100 and speed 100mm/s

I will add the final result to this page

At last .. my own lasercutter

I did a lot of lasercutting at Fablab Utrecht, but they stopped a few years ago, and I moved to Hilversum.

I loved making this at this Fablab.

  • Lasercutting : Boxes, A cryptex of my own design, Xmas ornaments, Shogi game, things in acrylic, Rubber stamps
  • Cutting plotter ( Nae Bother Case logo’s )
  • CNC Machines
  • Vacuum form

Then i bought a mini engraver, which you can attach to your 3D printer.

But I really wanted a cutter, so there it is … the Sculptfun S9

First test. crafting paper. No burning and a really high resolution!

This laser module has a new optical design, so it can cut wood as thick as 10+ mm.
It can engrave metal, cut non-transparant acrylic, leather and more.


I’m using Inkscape, with the lasercutter tool plugin from Jtech.

I’ve also tested with LaserGRBL, which can be run under linux using Wine.

I’m trail testing LightBurn. (Native Linux App)

I will post my findings and test on this post.

UPDATE: 20230221

A stone slate engraved
Speed3000 mm/s
Laser Power100%
Lines per mm10

UPDATE: 20230306

Calibrate your machine! .. But NOT as found on YouTube using a 10x10mm or 1 inch by 1 inch. square.
As big as you can. This is far more precise!

My list of settings (Work in progress)

I have to check mm/s versus mm/minute!

Slate (engrave)
(using lasergrbl)
3000 mm/s100%101
3mm Plywood (cut)20 mm/s90%x8?
Cardboard10 mm/s100%x4
Cork (6mm)