Last Updated or created 2024-03-29
Lasercutting a case and the playlist selectors.
Close-up RFID stickers I’m using.
Below is a test with different methods.
I like reading the booklets, so a CD i cool, and I don’t need a CD player.
(The RFID tag is in the case)
The little cards are for bought audio files I don’t have a physical CD for.
What am I gonna do?
Cube as I had? Wooden playlist selectors as in above movies?
The cards I’ve printed?
Maybe a small record player with an RFID reader inside?
Home Assistant code for Playlist and Album automations
(B.t.w. The method is still using an Arduino and MQTT topics, as mentioned before)
# ALBUM PLAYER alias: SpotifyAlbum description: "" trigger: - platform: mqtt topic: spotify/rfid/id condition: - condition: template value_template: "{{ trigger.payload in playlistkeys.keys() }}" action: - service: media_player.play_media target: entity_id: media_player.spotify_fashice data: media_content_type: album media_content_id: spotify:album:{{ playlistkeys.get(trigger.payload) }} mode: single variables: playlistkeys: "71719674": 20TANs4iXVeLp387zjgmec "71260666": 5325ECcBhnIysoqyENGCYi "71457530": 7wyOeD9HcUuMFMO8pTflap
# PLAYLIST PLAYER alias: SpotifyCube description: "" trigger: - platform: mqtt topic: spotify/rfid/id condition: - condition: template value_template: "{{ trigger.payload in playlistkeys.keys() }}" action: - service: media_player.play_media target: entity_id: media_player.spotify_fashice data: media_content_type: playlist media_content_id: spotify:user:spotify:playlist:{{ playlistkeys.get(trigger.payload) }} variables: playlistkeys: "69229050": 0SOay3RkjojjevrF5lHMON "69491194": 5f8w3UHlD9Ozz6Y4VHs6kF "69753338": 0bJvpsn0TDZwIDUjz4d75S "70015482": 37i9dQZF1DX9HwI3Crikcm "70277626": 37i9dQZF1EQmK1rjZuPGDt "70539770": 2KeRLMmGMxI5UgzE7m0iCp
In the past, Aloha and I made a simple solution like this using barcodes in < 2000s.
Due to the many obscure recordings I have, I am thinking about creating something like this for Picore player and my local Squeezebox server.
Logitech Squeezebox / Media Server Solution
alias: squeezealbumplay description: "" trigger: - platform: mqtt topic: spotify/rfid/id condition: - condition: template value_template: "{{ trigger.payload in playlistkeys.keys() }}" action: - service: squeezebox.call_method target: entity_id: media_player.squeezebox data: command: playlist parameters: - play - "{{ playlistkeys.get(trigger.payload) }}" mode: single variables: playlistkeys: "71719674": /tank/celtic/Celtic/M/Martyn Bennett/Bothy Culture/ "71719675": /tank/celtic/Celtic/D/Davy Spillane/Atlantic Bridge/ "2159056458": /tank/celtic/Celtic/M/Michael McGoldrick/Arc/