Last Updated or created 2023-08-19
I’ve bought ximian desktop with the exchange 2000 connector (For work) in the same package was staroffice 6.0.
It was based on Redhat 7.3
Ximian Desktop provides everything you need to put your Linux system to work. It includes a graphical interface based on the GNOME platform, with high-quality applications like the Ximian Evolution® groupware suite.
All editions of Ximian Desktop add the following:
- A special Ximian edition of the office suite.
- The most advanced Linux* printing system available today, integrated with the entire desktop and based on the CUPS subsystem. CUPS supports more printers and makes it much easier to set them up.
- Extensive network compatibility for Windows* and UNIX networks.
- Easy, removable media tools, including CD burning made simple.
- A “My Computer” tool to help you navigate files, networks, and devices, designed especially for people migrating from Microsoft Windows.
- The Red CarpetTM software management tool, which makes sure you get critical software updates quickly, easily, and securely.
The Professional Edition of Ximian Desktop includes additional software and services:
- Agfa Fonts: High-quality licensed fonts, metrically compatible with those used in Microsoft* Office, to help preserve formatting and styles across platforms.
- RealNetworks* RealPlayer*: Media player for RealAudio and RealVideo formats. Works with or without your Web browser.
- Macromedia* Flash*: Browser plug-in for display of Flash vector animation on the Web.
- Sun* Java* Runtime Environment: Allows you to use the broadest range of Java software with the best performance.
- A year’s subscription to Red Carpet Express, the Ximian high-bandwidth update service.
- 30 days of personalized Web-based support at