Sound Firewall

Last Updated or created 2023-01-04

See also 2nd Firewall 2013 and Led Firewall

While partying @ HAL2001, a hackers event, Venom and I made a Soundfirewall.

We had a little DMZ, with our servers.
This was protected by a iptables firewall.

Our idea was to get a sound notification on every (interesting) network packet the firewall dropped.

So we made this: (At the bottom are the sound definitions.)
Example of the sound we heared whole day.

#use strict;
#       @(#)    First Edit: Bas
#       @(#)    Last Edit: Fash

use POSIX ":sys_wait_h";
use vars qw(%Msg_Rec);

$SIG{'TERM'} = $SIG{'HUP'} = 'goodbye';

## Constants
my $BELL   = "";
my $MAILER = "/usr/sbin/sendmail";
my $WRITE  = "/usr/bin/write";
$/ = "

autoflush STDOUT;

sub goodbye {
  $| = 0;


# in_range($range, $number) 
# returns 1 if $number is inside $range, 0 if not
sub in_range {
  my $range = shift;
  my $num = shift;

  foreach my $f (split(/,/, $range)) {
    if ($f =~ /-/) {
      my ($low,$high) = split(/-/, $f);
      return 1 if ($low <= $num and $num <= $high);
    } elsif ($f == $num) {
      return 1;
  return 0;

# inside_time_window($days,$hours)
# returns 1 if inside window, 0 if outside window
sub inside_time_window {
  my $range = shift;
  my($days, $hours) = split(/:/, $range);

  my ($hr, $wday) = (localtime(time))[2,6];

  if (($days eq '*' or in_range($days, $wday))
      and ($hours eq '*' or in_range($hours, $hr))) {
    return 1;
  } else {
    return 0;

print "\n*** swatch-3.0.1 (pid:6826) started at " . `/bin/date` . "\n";

use Date::Calc qw(:all);

sub parse_dot {
  my $message = shift;
  my $dot_loc = shift;
  my @dot = ();
  my @ranges = split(/:/, $dot_loc);

  foreach my $range (0..$#ranges) {
    if ($ranges[$range] != -1) {
      my ($begin, $end) = split(/-/, $ranges[$range]);
      $dot[$range] = substr($message, $begin, ($end - $begin + 1));

  return @dot;

my ($date_loc, $time_loc) = ("-1:0-2:4-5", "7-8:10-11:13-14");
my %months = (
              Jan => 1,
              Feb => 2,
              Mar => 3,
              Apr => 4,
              May => 5,
              Jun => 6,
              Jul => 7,
              Aug => 8,
              Sep => 9,
              Oct => 10,
              Nov => 11,
              Dec => 12

# Returns an array of year, month, day, hours, minutes, and seconds.
sub YMDHMS {
  my $string = shift;
  my $year_today = (Today())[0];

  my ($y, $m, $d) = parse_dot($string, $date_loc);
  my ($hrs, $mins, $secs) = parse_dot($string, $time_loc);
  if (length($y) eq 0) { $y = (Today())[0] };

  return ($y, $months{$m}, $d, $hrs, $mins, $secs);

sub new_msg {
  my $use = shift;
  my $msg = shift;
  my $count = shift;
  my @delta = @_;
  my $delta;
  if ($delta[0] == 0) {
    $delta = sprintf("%d:%.2d:%.2d", $delta[1], $delta[2], $delta[3]);
  } else {
    $delta = sprintf("$delta[0] day%s %d:%.2d:%.2d", $delta[0] > 1 ? 's' : '',
                    $delta[1], $delta[2], $delta[3]);
  if ($use eq 'regex') {
    return "$count $msg regular expressions in $delta";
  } else {
    return "$count in $delta: $msg";

# Stores message information in 
#    $Msg_Rec = (
#      {<truncated message>|<pattern>} => {
#        dhms => [ array ], # days,hours,minutes,seconds
#        count => integer,

sub throttle {
  my %opts = (
              KEY       => $_,
              CUT_MARKS => [ "0:16" ], # not used yet
              USE       => 'message',

  my $msg = $opts{'KEY'};
  my $use = $opts{'USE'};
  my @ymdhms = YMDHMS($msg);
  my $key;
  my @min_dhms_delta = split(/(\s+|:)/, $opts{'MIN_DELTA'});

  foreach my $i (0..$#min_dhms_delta) {
    # strip out unwanted element
    splice (@min_dhms_delta, $i, 1) if ($min_dhms_delta[$i] eq ":");

  if ($use eq 'regex') {
    $key = $opts{'REGEX'};
  } else {
    $key = substr($msg, 16);
    $key =~ s/\[\d+\]/[PID]/;

  while ($#min_dhms_delta < 3) {
    unshift(@min_dhms_delta, 0); # make sure that the dhms array is full

  if (exists $Msg_Rec{$key} and defined $Msg_Rec{$key}->{ymdhms}) {
    my $passed = 1;
    if ($ymdhms[1] > $Msg_Rec{$key}->{ymdhms}[1]) { $ymdhms[0]--; }

    my @delta_dhms = Delta_DHMS(@{$Msg_Rec{$key}->{ymdhms}}, @ymdhms);
    foreach my $i (0..$#min_dhms_delta) {
      $passed = 0 if ($delta_dhms[$i] < $min_dhms_delta[$i]);
      last unless ($delta_dhms[$i] == $min_dhms_delta[$i]);
    if ($passed) {
      my $new = '';
      $new = new_msg($use, $key, $Msg_Rec{$key}->{count}, @delta_dhms);
      $Msg_Rec{$key}->{ymdhms} = [ @ymdhms ];
      $Msg_Rec{$key}->{count} = 1;
      return $new;
    } else {
      return '';
  } else {
    my $rec;
    $rec->{ymdhms} = [ @ymdhms ];
    $Msg_Rec{$key} = $rec;
    return $msg;


my %text_modes = (
  "black"       => "\033[30;1m",
  "red"         => "\033[31;1m",
  "green"       => "\033[32;1m",
  "yellow"      => "\033[33;1m",
  "blue"        => "\033[34;1m",
  "magenta"     => "\033[35;1m",
  "cyan"        => "\033[36;1m",
  "white"       => "\033[37;1m",
  "black_h"     => "\033[40;1m",
  "red_h"       => "\033[41;1m",
  "green_h"     => "\033[42;1m",
  "yellow_h"    => "\033[43;1m",
  "blue_h"      => "\033[44;1m",
  "magenta_h"   => "\033[45;1m",
  "cyan_h"      => "\033[46;1m",
  "white_h"     => "\033[47;1m",
  "bold"        => "\033[1m",
  "blink"       => "\033[5m",
  "inverse"     => "\033[7m",
  "normal"      => "\033[0m",
  "underscore"  => "\033[4m",
sub echo {
  my %args = (
              'MODES' => [ 'normal' ],

  return if (exists($args{'WHEN'}) and not inside_time_window($args{'WHEN'}));
  if ($args{'MODES'}[0] eq 'random') {
    my @mode_names = keys %text_modes;
    print $text_modes{$mode_names[rand $#mode_names]};
  } else {
    foreach my $mode (@{$args{'MODES'}}) {
      print $text_modes{$mode};
  print $args{'MESSAGE'};
  print $text_modes{'normal'};
  print "\n";

# ring_bell(args) -- send x number of control-G characters to the output.
sub ring_bell {
  my %args = (
              'RINGS' => 1,
  my $sun_terminal = (`uname -s` eq 'SunOS\n');
  return if exists($args{'WHEN'}) and not inside_time_window($args{'WHEN'});
  my $bells = $args{'RINGS'};
  for ( ; $bells > 0 ; $bells-- ) {
    print $BELL;
    sleep 1 if $sun_terminal; # SunOS needed this. Not sure about Solaris though

# exec_command(args) -- fork and execute a command
sub exec_command {
  my %args = (@_);
  my $exec_pid;
  my $command;

  if (exists $args{'COMMAND'}) {
    $command = $args{'COMMAND'};
  } else {
    warn "$0: No command was specified in exec action.\n";

  return if exists($args{'WHEN'}) and not inside_time_window($args{'WHEN'});

    if ($exec_pid = fork) {
      waitpid(-1, WNOHANG);
    } elsif (defined $exec_pid) {
      } elsif ($! =~ /No more processes/) {
        # EAGAIN, supposedly recoverable fork error
        sleep 5;
        redo EXECFORK;
      } else {
        warn "$0: Can't fork to exec $command: $!\n";

  my $pipe_is_open;
  my $current_command_name;
  # send_message_to_pipe -- send text to a pipe.
  # usage: &send_message_to_pipe($program_to_pipe_to_including_the_vertical_bar_symbol,
  #               $message_to_send_to_the_pipe);
  sub send_message_to_pipe {
    my %args = (@_);
    my $command;

    if (exists $args{'COMMAND'}) {
      $command = $args{'COMMAND'};
    } else {
      warn "$0: No command was specified in pipe action.\n";

    return if exists($args{'WHEN'}) and not inside_time_window($args{'WHEN'});

    # open a new pipe if necessary
    if ( !$pipe_is_open or $current_command_name ne $command ) {
      # first close an open pipe
      close(PIPE) if $pipe_is_open;
      $pipe_is_open = 0;
      open(PIPE, "| $command") 
        or warn "$0: cannot open pipe to $command: $!\n" && return;
      $pipe_is_open = 1;
      $current_command_name = $command;
    # send the text
    print PIPE "$args{'MESSAGE'}";

    if (not exists $args{'KEEP_OPEN'}) {
      close(PIPE) if $pipe_is_open;
      $pipe_is_open = 0;

  # close_pipe_if_open -- used at the end of a script to close a pipe
  #     opened by &pipe_it().
  # usage: &close_pipe_if_open();
  sub close_pipe_if_open {
    if ($pipe_is_open) {

# send_email -- send some mail using $MAILER.
# usage: &send_email($addresses_to_mail_to);
sub send_email {
  my $login = (getpwuid($<))[0];
  my %args = (
              'ADDRESSES' => $login,
              'SUBJECT' => 'Message from Swatch',

  return if exists($args{'WHEN'}) and not inside_time_window($args{'WHEN'});

  my $addresses = $args{'ADDRESSES'};
  $addresses =~ s/:/,/g;

  if ($MAILER eq '') {
    warn "ERROR: $0 cannot find a mail delivery program\n";

  open(MAIL, "| $MAILER $addresses")
    or warn "$0: cannot open pipe to $MAILER: $!\n" && return;

  print MAIL "To: $addresses\n";
  print MAIL "Subject: $args{SUBJECT}\n\n";
  print MAIL "$args{'MESSAGE'}\n";

# write_message -- use $WRITE to send a message logged on users.
sub write_message {
  my %args = (@_);

  return if exists($args{'WHEN'}) and not inside_time_window($args{'WHEN'});

  if ($WRITE eq '') {
    warn "ERROR: $0 cannot find the write(1) program\n";

  if (exists($args{'USERS'})) {
    foreach my $user (split(/:/, $args{'USERS'})) {
      send_message_to_pipe(COMMAND => "$WRITE $user 2>/dev/null", 
                           MESSAGE => "$args{'MESSAGE'}\n");

use File::Tail;
my $Filename = '/var/log/ulog/syslogemu.log';
my $File = File::Tail->new(name=>$Filename, maxinterval => 1, interval => 1);
if (not defined $File) {
    die "/usr/local/bin/swatch: cannot read input \"$Filename\": $!\n";

LOOP: while (defined($_=$File->read)) {

    my $sanitized_ = $_;
    @_ = split;
    # quote all special shell chars
    $sanitized_ =~ s/([;&\(\)\|\^><\$`'\\])/\\$1/g;
    my @sanitized_ = split(/\s+/, $sanitized_);
        echo('MODES' => [ "bold", ], 'MESSAGE' => "$_", );
        ring_bell('RINGS' => "3", );

    if (/(panic|halt)/) {
        echo('MESSAGE' => "$_", );

    if (/Regents/) {
        echo('MODES' => [ "bold", ], 'MESSAGE' => "$_", );

    if (/ipfw:.*Deny ICMP:8.0/) {
        echo('MODES' => [ "bold", ], 'MESSAGE' => "$_", );
        exec_command('COMMAND' => "mpg123 -q /root/wavs/drip.wav &", );

    if (/ipfw:.*Deny TCP .*:6000/) {
        echo('MODES' => [ "bold", ], 'MESSAGE' => "$_", );
        exec_command('COMMAND' => "mpg123 -q /root/wavs/camera.wav &", );

    if (/ipfw:.*Deny UDP .*:513/) {
        echo('MODES' => [ "bold", ], 'MESSAGE' => "$_", );
        exec_command('COMMAND' => "mpg123 -q /root/wavs/flush.wav &", );

    if (/ipfw:.*Deny TCP .*:21/) {
        echo('MODES' => [ "bold", ], 'MESSAGE' => "$_", );
        exec_command('COMMAND' => "mpg123 -q /root/wavs/vault.wav &", );

    if (/PROTO=TCP .*DPT=80/) {
        echo('MODES' => [ "bold", ], 'MESSAGE' => "$_", );
        exec_command('COMMAND' => "mpg123 /root/wavs/tcp80.mp3 &", );
    if (/PROTO=TCP .*DPT=23/) {
        echo('MODES' => [ "bold", ], 'MESSAGE' => "$_", );
        exec_command('COMMAND' => "mpg123 /root/wavs/tcp23.mp3 &", );

    if (/UDP .*=1300007/) {
        echo('MODES' => [ "bold", ], 'MESSAGE' => "$_", );
        exec_command('COMMAND' => "mpg123 /root/wavs/udp137.mp3 &", );

    if (/PROTO=ICMP/) {
        echo('MODES' => [ "bold", ], 'MESSAGE' => "$_", );
        exec_command('COMMAND' => "mpg123 /root/wavs/ping.mp3 &", );

    if (/.*/) {
        echo('MESSAGE' => "$_", );
