Last Updated or created 2024-10-08
I’ve printed two books using the Lulu service. (One for Tyrone)
When they arrived, I noticed some faults.
Lucky Lulu will be printing them again for me.

And I’ve been busy building a Mega Tower with 4 Motherboards.
This will have a superb processing power! .. not.
It houses some old motherboards for hardcore machine coding on real old hardware.
- Rework on the cables
- 3D print an information plaque on the front of each board
- Add a control panel on each board
- Maybe some dust cover would be nice
I can remove the boards, and place them on a table.
I’ve made some custom feet for them. Twist and lock by my own design.
The openscad files:
The locking is done by making the cylinder slightly oval by 0.5mm

difference(){ difference(){ difference(){ difference(){ rotate([90,30,0]) cylinder(r=30, h=10, $fn=3); translate([-20,-20,0]) cube([40,40,40]); } rotate([90,0,0]) translate([0,0,-10]) cylinder(r=5, h=30, $fn=200); translate([0,-5,-10]) cylinder(r=7, h=30, $fn=200); } translate([18,-5,-12]) cylinder(r=4, h=30, $fn=200); translate([18,-5,-22]) cylinder(r=2.2, h=30, $fn=200); translate([-18,-5,-12]) cylinder(r=4, h=30, $fn=200); translate([-18,-5,-22]) cylinder(r=2.2, h=30, $fn=200); } translate([9,-20,-20]) cube([40,40,40]); }
Note the resize for the oval effect
resize([14,14.5,10]) cylinder(r=7, h=10, $fn=200); translate([0,0,0]) cylinder(r=9, h=3, $fn=200);
When designing above, I also made new knobs for our stove.
Using the white dot, you can see which burner has which knob.