GameA masm setupExample asm program to see gfx capabilities
68000 Progress
My address decoder seems to work (using an ATF22v10C) See previous posts.
Also new Rom and Ram chips. These are 8 bits, but the 68000’s data bus we need two (Odd and Even Addresses)
C64 Hacks
I made a proof of concept for a Rom switcher. 8 Different Roms can be selected using the dip switches. (Dipswitches are being replaces bij something smarter in the future, like an Arduino Nano (like Adrian Black’s solution)
A dentro (Combination of demo and intro.) from 1995
It using only background colors behind existing text to display the dentro text. There is (somewhere) a version with animations.
New work:
Booting from floppy, showing a flash screen in mode 13h. Starting a trackloader, which loads a raw adlib file and plays it. All sectors written to floppy using my new sector writer. WOOT .. music at boot time!
Sector writer
org 0100h
; 0 0 1
; bootblock with flashcode
mov cl,1 ; start
mov al,1 ; # sectors
mov dh,0 ; head
mov bx,bootblock
call wrtsector
; flash image
mov cl,8
mov al,4
mov dh,0
mov bx,gfx
call wrtsector
; Music loader
mov cl,7 ; start
mov al,1 ; # sectors
mov dh,0 ; head
mov bx,nextpart
call wrtsector
; Music raw
mov cl,13 ; start
mov al,4 ; # sectors
mov dh,0 ; head
mov bx,musicraw
call wrtsector
jmp do_exit
push cs ; make ds same as cs
pop ds
MOV DX,TxtErr1 ; error
MOV AH,09h
INT 21h
mov ax,4c00h
int 21h
mov ax,4c00h
int 21h
; On entry: AH 03h
; AL Number of sectors to write
; CH Cylinder number (10-bit value; upper 2 bits
; in CL)
; CL Starting sector number
; DH Head number
; DL Drive number
; ES:BX Address of memory buffer
; Returns: AH Status of operation (See Service 01h)
; AL Number of sectors written
; CF Set if error, else cleared
mov ah, 3h ; int13h function 2
mov ch, 0 ; from cylinder number 0
mov dl,0
push cs
pop es
int 13h
jc printerror
TxtErr1: DB "Error!",7,10,13,"$"
file 'flash_b.bin'
file 'flashgfx.raw'
file 'nextpart.bin'
I wanted to know how a floppy differs from a floppy. So i wrote below code to fill each sector on a floppy disk or image with information at the start of each sector. (Head, Cylinder and Sector)
empty.bin was made using dd if=/dev/zero of=empty.bin count=1 bs=512
org 0100h
mov ch,0 ; cyl
mov cl,1 ; sector
mov dh,0 ; head
mov bx,empty
mov [empty],dh
mov [empty+1],ch
mov [empty+2],cl
push cx
push ax
push dx
call printer
call wrtsector
pop dx
pop ax
pop ax
inc cl
cmp cl,19
jnz nextsector
mov cl,1
inc ch
cmp ch,79
jnz nextsector
; other side
mov dh,1
mov ch,0
mov cl,1
mov bx,empty
mov [empty],dh
mov [empty+1],ch
mov [empty+2],cl
push cx
push ax
push dx
call wrtsector
pop dx
pop ax
pop ax
inc cl
cmp cl,19
jnz nextsector1
mov cl,1
inc ch
cmp ch,79
jnz nextsector1
jmp do_exit
push cs ; make ds same as cs
pop ds
MOV AX,3 ; default text mode 3
INT 10h
MOV DX,TxtErr1 ; error
MOV AH,09h
INT 21h
mov ax,4c00h
int 21h
mov ax,3
int 10h
mov ax,4c00h
int 21h
push cx
push dx
mov dl,dh
mov ah, 02h
add dl, 30h
int 21h
mov dl,ch
add dl, 30h
int 21h
mov dl,cl
add dl, 30h
int 21h
mov dx,13
mov ah,2
int 21h
mov dx,10
mov ah,2
int 21h
pop dx
pop cx
; On entry: AH 03h
; AL Number of sectors to write
; CH Cylinder number (10-bit value; upper 2 bits
; in CL)
; CL Starting sector number
; DH Head number
; DL Drive number
; ES:BX Address of memory buffer
; Returns: AH Status of operation (See Service 01h)
; AL Number of sectors written
; CF Set if error, else cleared
mov ah, 3h ; int13h function 2
mov al,1
mov dl,0
push cs
pop es
int 13h
jc printerror
TxtErr1: DB "Error!",7,10,13,"$"
file 'empty.bin'
Viewing the floppy image with ghex
Offset 7000 = Head 1, Cylinder 1 and sector 3
When doing times 512 – ($-$$) db 0 to fill binaries to 512 bytes, you could cat the sectors to a disk/file with this knowledge.
Working on a library of functions (sector loaders, color palette, vert/hor retrace functions)
Laying out a memory map for the demo
Below the output of the sin/cos generator ( see used in video below ) (It also shows a visual plot of the function)
Two examples included in the python script to generate DB enties, which can be assembled in your source code (just include or copy paste)
Source code python script
# importing the required module
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import math
# Change these
numberofdatapoints = 360
maxamp = 180
howmuchfromwave = 0.5
numberofharmonies = 1
# Number of harmonies are sin/cos additions in the calculation line below
# not here
step = 360/numberofdatapoints*howmuchfromwave
offset = maxamp
maxamp = maxamp / numberofharmonies
offset = 0
x = [ ]
for xv in range(numberofdatapoints):
xvstep=xv * step
# Calculation line
# datapoint=np.sin(math.radians(xvstep))
# Double harmony example
datapoint=np.sin(math.radians(xvstep)) + (np.sin(math.radians(xvstep*3))/2)
datapoint=datapoint * maxamp
datapoint=datapoint + offset
print(" db ", end="")
print(*x, sep = ",")
# plotting the points
# naming the x axis
plt.xlabel('x - axis')
# naming the y axis
plt.ylabel('y - axis')
# giving a title to my graph
# function to show the plot
Minimalistic very fast boot loader flash screen effect
Graffiti bouncher test (probably ends up bounching a 320×400 image) This one uses the generated sintab (Using the python script above)
Test code for a text scroller
Code optimalisation/tricks
clear a (double) register? xor ax,ax is faster than mov ax,0h
Want to make ds pointer same as cs? Instead of mov ax,cs mov ds,ax use push cs pop ds
self modifying code mostly we just move data around, but you also can change the runtime code (instructions)
a – increment ax on line 103h
b – another part of the code/maybe in a interrupt 10Fh load al with 48h (thats the opcode for decrement (see c) 111h place the opcode in address 103h, which had 40h .. Now we changed the code to decrement next time
Speedcode/unrolled code
Populair on the C64 where resources are even more limited, you could use speedcode. Most of the speedcode you generate, due to its repeating lines. When looking at clock cycles you can save some extra cycles, by using a little more memory but saving on “expensive” loops.
Simple example
Left a funtion with a loop, right is the same but all instuctions sequencial
Left 15 bytes but 284 cycles
Right 39 bytes but only 102 cycles!
; below part 9 times
16 or 4
= 284 cycles
2 ; xor is faster
3 ; even 2 when you can use BX pair!
= 111 cycles (or 102 BX pair)
Moving memory blocks (No DMA)
;DS:(E)SI to address ES:(E)DI
push cs ; example to set es to code segment
pop es
mov si,1000 ; offset pointer source
xor di,di ; destination offset
mov cx,320*100 ; number of transfers (See below words)
mov ax,0a000h ; Destination
mov es,ax ; destination segment
cld ; Clear direction flag set SI and DI to auto-increment
rep movsw ; repeat mov words! until number of transfers is 0
Short binary > bcd > dec (ascii) convert for numbers (0-99)
mov ax,01ch ; = 28
mov bx,0ah ; = 10
div bl ; divide BL by AX
; AX = 0802 ; Remainder/Divider
xchg ah,al ; change around (dont use if you want to keep little endian)
add ax,3030h ; offset to ascii 30=0 31=1
; ax ends up with 3238 .. 28
(NOTE, Dosbox can’t cope with the register speed, use real HW or PCem)
Effect using a edited photo I made from fireworks ..
Generating a RAW image and Palette, a in a new way
This bash script to convert BMP to Raw and a compiled colorpalette. (Note: this converts to 8 bit depth, the assembly code in the final assemby program converts to 6 for VGA mode 13h
So this time, i won´t have to use the standard VGA palette as mentioned in previous posts. (Gimp colors > indexed (255 colors) ; save as BMP, exclude colorspace information)
I’m using identify to extract the colorpalette, which i’m converting to DB entries for the fasm compiler
3C8h (R/W): DAC Address Write Mode
bit 0-7 The color data register (0..255) to be written to 3C9h.
Note: After writing the 3 bytes at 3C9h this register will increment, pointing to the next data register.
3C9h (R/W): DAC Data Register
bit 0-8? Color value
Note: Each read or write of this register will cycle through first the
registers for Red, Blue and Green, then increment the appropriate
address register, thus the entire palette can be loaded by writing 0 to
the DAC Address Write Mode register 3C8h and then writing all 768 bytes
of the palette to this register.
Input Status #1 Register (Read at 3BAh (mono) or 3DAh (color))
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
VRetrace DD
VRetrace -- Vertical Retrace
"When set to 1, this bit indicates that the display is in a vertical retrace interval.This bit can be programmed, through the Vertical Retrace End register, to generate an interrupt at the start of the vertical retrace."
DD -- Display Disabled
"When set to 1, this bit indicates a horizontal or vertical retrace interval. This bit is the real-time status of the inverted 'display enable' signal. Programs have used this status bit to restrict screen updates to the inactive display intervals in order to reduce screen flicker. The video subsystem is designed to eliminate this software requirement; screen updates may be made at any time without screen degradation."
Code (fasm)
org 0x100
; set mode 320x200 256 colors palette
mov ah,0x0
mov al,13h
int 10h
; press key to exit
call effect ; Calling the effect
INT 16h
JZ waitforkeyloop
INT 16h
MOV AX,3 ; default text mode 3
INT 10h
MOV AX,4C00h ; exit to dos (terminate process)
INT 21h
cli ; stop interrupts
call waitvretrace ; wait for vertical retrace
mov al, 0 ; set color index 0 to black (needs to be converted to a function
mov dx, 3c8h
out dx, al
inc dx ; now 3c9h
mov al, 0h
out dx, al ; set R = 0
mov al, 0h
out dx, al ; set G = 0
mov al, 0h
out dx, al ; set B = 0
mov al,30h
; al = scanline, call wait for scanline
call waithretrace
mov al, 0 ; set color index 0 to white
mov dx, 3c8h
out dx, al
inc dx
mov al, 255
out dx, al
mov al, 255
out dx, al
mov al, 255
out dx, al
; wait 1 scanlines (height of bar)
mov al,1h
call waithretrace
; draw black again
mov al, 0 ; set color index 0's rgb value
mov dx, 3c8h
out dx, al
inc dx ; now 3c9h
mov al, 0
out dx, al
out dx, al
out dx, al
sti ; start interrupts again
; this waits for vertical retrace
in al,dx
test al,8
jnz waitv1
in al,dx
test al,8
jz waitv2
; routine that waits for horizontal retrace
; al sets number of retraces
mov cl,al
in al,dx
test al,1
jnz waith1
in al,dx
test al,1
jz waith2
dec cl
cmp cl,0
jnz waith1
My bash file to copy com file to floppy image to use in PCem.
PCem right button disk change drive A:
fasm one-line.asm
# disk.img is een msdos boot floppy image
sudo mount -o loop disk.img mountpoint
sudo cp *com mountpoint/
sudo cp *bmp mountpoint/
sudo umount mountpoint
I’m still having problems getting a working floppy drive in my machine. (Broken FDD card, drive errors etc)
The raster bar (also referred to as rasterbar or copperbar) is an effect used in demos and older video games that displays animated bars of colour, usually horizontal, which additionally might extend into the border, a.k.a. the otherwise unalterable area (assuming no overscan) of the display
When you look at the left side of the screen you see the color bar in the border (outside the normal pixel screen)
I first tried to get it working in DosBOX, but thats a mess. Good for simple emulation but not hardcore register manipulation.
Below dosbox
Three examples below are in PCem
Not waiting for vsync, gives some idea how much timing is left when doing barsOther effect addedEffect as on the real hardware except emulated using PCeM
org 0x100
CRTC_DATA = 0x03D5
jmp start
updown DB 30
direction DB 0
filename DB "shoes.bmp",0
; set mode 320x200 256 colors palette
mov ah,0x0
mov al,13h
int 10h
; clear screen routine, not really needed
push ax
mov ax, 0a000h
mov es, ax
pop ax
xor di, di
inc ax
mov cx, 64000 ; 320x200
rep stosb
; call file loader
call Loadfile
push cs
pop ds
; after displaying the image or displaying an error, wait for keypress to exit
call effect ; Calling the effect
INT 16h
JZ waitforkeyloop
INT 16h
MOV AX,3 ; default text mode 3
INT 10h
MOV AX,4C00h ; exit to dos (terminate process)
INT 21h
MOV DX,filename
MOV AX,3D00h ; open filehandle
INT 21h
JC Err1
MOV BX,AX ; filehandle
MOV CX,0FFFFh ; size
mov dx,0a000h ; destination 0000:a000h - Screen memory
mov ds,dx
MOV AH,3Fh ; read from file
INT 21h
JC Err1
MOV AH,3Eh ; close filehandle
INT 21h
; print error
push cs ; make ds same as cs
pop ds
MOV DX,TxtErr1 ; error
MOV AH,09h
INT 21h
cli ; stop interrupts
call waitvretrace ; wait for vertical retrace
mov al, 0 ; set color index 0 to black (needs to be converted to a function
mov dx, 3c8h
out dx, al
inc dx ; now 3c9h
mov al, 0h
out dx, al ; set R = 0
mov al, 0h
out dx, al ; set G = 0
mov al, 0h
out dx, al ; set B = 0
; gets start scanline and direction
mov al,[updown]
mov ah,[direction]
cmp ah,0
jz addcounter
dec al
cmp al,30
jnz gohere
mov ah,0
mov [direction],ah
jmp gohere
inc al
cmp al,100
jnz gohere
mov ah,1
mov [direction],ah
mov [updown],al
; al = scanline, call wait for scanline
call waithretrace
mov al, 0 ; set color index 0 to blueish
mov dx, 3c8h
out dx, al
inc dx
mov al, 11h
out dx, al
mov al, 22h
out dx, al
mov al, 33h
out dx, al
; wait 10 scanlines (height of bar)
mov al,10
call waithretrace
; draw black again
mov al, 0 ; set color index 0's rgb value
mov dx, 3c8h
out dx, al
inc dx ; now 3c9h
mov al, 0
out dx, al ; set R = 11h
mov al, 0h
out dx, al ; set G = 22h
mov al, 0h
out dx, al ; set B = 33h
sti ; start interrupts again
; this waits for vertical retrace
in al,dx
test al,8
jnz waitv1
in al,dx
test al,8
jz waitv2
; routine that waits for horizontal retrace
mov cl,al
in al,dx
test al,1
jnz waith1
in al,dx
test al,1
jz waith2
dec cl
cmp cl,0
jnz waith1
TxtErr1 DB "shoes.bmp not found!",7,10,13,"$"
While still having a love-hate relationship with Visual Studio (I’m a Vim guy), here is my C64 coding setup. (for now)
Needed: Vice (C64 emulator (and more)) C64 Debugger (embeds above in an awesome debugger) Visual Studio Kickass C64 assembler (you need java for this) (
Visual Studio click extensions and add kickass by Captain Jinx This is Commodore 64, Atari XL/XE and NES code and memory debugger that works in real time. It is quick prototyping tool where you can play with Commodore 64 machine and its internals.
Awesome debugger, many many options. Read the README
I’ve got mostly installed in /data Change accordingly
Create new file, press ctrl-shift-p and invoke kickass debug!
"If something is worth doing, it's worth overdoing."