Best of Einaudi (lying down)

Last Updated or created 2023-07-18

Music by Ludovico Einaudi, pianist Jeroen van Veen.
And you could lie down in the big “Werkspoorkathedraal” in Utrecht.

Ludovico Maria Enrico Einaudi (Italian: born 23 November 1955) is an Italian pianist and composer. Trained at the Conservatorio Verdi in Milan, Einaudi began his career as a classical composer, later incorporating other styles and genres such as pop, rock, folk, and world music.

Einaudi has composed the scores for a number of films and television productions, including This Is England, The Intouchables, I’m Still Here, the TV miniseries Doctor Zhivago, and Acquario (1996), Nomadland and The Father.

He has also released a number of solo albums for piano and other instruments, notably I Giorni in 2001, Nightbook in 2009, and In a Time Lapse in 2013.

Coline plays some of Einaudi on keyboard, and we play I Giorni with our Folkband.

Update 2023

Fermenting sauerkraut in a crock

Last Updated or created 2022-11-08

We love fermenting!
Sometimes we ferment our own sauerkraut.

Depending on the volume it can take at least 2 weeks up to several months.

If you don’t have crock pot weights, use a plastic bag filled with water.
(See below)

Mixture: Salt, juniper berries, dill, celery seeds and caraway.

  • Rinse Cabbage and clean. Cut out and discard the hard white center.
  • Take the largest leaves from one cabbage and lay them out at the bottom of your clean and rinsed out crock pot.
  • Shred the rest of the cabbage.
  • Add a layer of shredded cabbage over the laid out leaves in the crock pot. Sprinkle some of above mixture over this layer. Compress by stomping down with the stomper.
  • Repeat the layering process until you used up all the cabbage, salt, and juniper berries. After each layer stomp it down.
  • Pour all the luke warm water over the cabbage. That will activate the fermentation process.
  • Place clean crock pot weights over the cabbage and close the crock pot with the lid. Pour water into the ring of your crock pot and make sure there is always water in that.
  • Wait several weeks until cabbage is done fermenting into Sauerkraut.

Some books about the subject we own

Little shared presentation thingy

Last Updated or created 2024-03-07

This little script I made for work.
It allows for a webpage to being shared and updated semi realtime.

We made todo notes using it.

Extract below zip file in a subdirectory in your web accessible server.

Edit screen, note the little write me file button which is not visible in the movie below.
Example changing text (button press not visible)

It uses a jquery rich text editor javascript library.

CPU / Memory analog meters

Last Updated or created 2022-05-30

Today i used some analog meters to display cpu load and memory usage.

Using below 12 bit DAC (MCP4725 ) and a Wemos Mini

Usage: (Anything you can come up with, if you got a value, you can display it)

curl http://IP/specificArgs?dac_value=$(grep 'cpu ' /proc/stat | awk '{usage=($2+$4)*1000} END {print usage }' |cut -f1 -d.)

Arduino code

#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>            
#include <ESP8266WebServer.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_MCP4725.h>
#define MCP4725 0x62   

unsigned int adc;
byte buffer[3];          
Adafruit_MCP4725 dac;

char dac_value_tmp[6] = "0";
int dac_value = 0;
ESP8266WebServer server(80);   //Web server

void setup() {
WiFi.begin("accesspoint", "accesspointpass"); 
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { 
Serial.println("Waiting to connect…");
Serial.print("IP address: ");
Serial.println(WiFi.localIP());  //Print IP 
server.on("/genericArgs", handleGenericArgs); 
server.on("/specificArgs", handleSpecificArg);  
server.begin();                        //Start the server
Serial.println("Server listening");   
 dac.begin(0x60); // The I2C Address
void loop() {

    uint32_t dac_value;
    int adcValueRead = 0;
    float voltageRead = 0;

void handleGenericArgs() { //Handler
String message = "Number of args received:";
message += server.args();     //Get number of parameters
message += "\n";                 

for (int i = 0; i < server.args(); i++) {
message += "Arg nº" + (String)i + " –> "; 
message += server.argName(i) + ": ";    
message += server.arg(i) + "\n";         
server.send(200, "text/plain", message);   
void handleSpecificArg() { 
String message = "";
if (server.arg("dac_value")== ""){     //Parameter not found
message = "dac_value Argument not found";
message = "dac_value = ";
message += server.arg("dac_value");     //Gets the value of the query parameter
int dac_value = server.arg("dac_value").toInt();  
      Serial.print("DAC Value: ");

 buffer[0] = 0b01000000;   
  buffer[1] = dac_value >> 4;              //Puts the most significant bit values
  buffer[2] = dac_value << 4;              //Puts the Least significant bit values
  Wire.beginTransmission(MCP4725);         //Joins I2C bus with MCP4725 with 0x61 address
  Wire.write(buffer[0]);            //Sends control byte 
  Wire.write(buffer[1]);            //Sends the MSB to I2C 
  Wire.write(buffer[2]);            //Sends the LSB to I2C
  Wire.endTransmission();           //Ends the transmission
server.send(200, "text/plain", message);          //Returns the HTTP response
Little different image MCP4725 .. Analog meter between resistor and white.

Resistor depends on the range of your analog meters