Last Updated or created 2023-01-05
Roalt helped me to get my first Linux system running.
I don’t know if it was a floppy install or cd-roms.
I remember buying cdrom sets like these at our local computershop for later installs.
A year later my system was reinstalled with Slackware by Gmc.
Although Roalt helped me getting started with Linux, i’ve learned a lot from Gmc.
First time i saw an Unix system was at my friend Richard when i was 16-ish.
It was a commercial unix system he had on loan. Later he installed Minix or something simulair. This was all pre-linux
I used the Slackware distribution for a long time, but tried others also.
List of Linux distributions and other Unix variants i remember.
- Suse
- Redhat
- Gentoo
- Fedora
- Centos/Rocky
- Bsd
- Aix
- Solaris
- Debian
- Ubuntu
- Mint
- Damn Small Linux
- Backtrack
- Kali
- OpenZaurus
- Slax
- Puppy Linux
- Linux Router Project