Tag Archives: assembly

C64/6502 and Assembly

I’ve used a basic program on C64 in the past and a Cartridge machinecode monitor in the past.
I’ve really forgotten how, what i’ve used and what i’ve done with it.
Not nearly as much as my friends at that time.
I started with a Vic-20 and played around with machinecode on a 6502.
I didn’t have a C64 for many years.

I’ve recently started to build a 6502 computer again, and programming on 65xx again (Generic 6502 and C64). (2022)

Below is my setup on linux, to write assembly code, compiling and running the code in a emulator.

I have installed the Acme compiler and Vice as a emulator.
Both can compile/run machinecode for multiple computer emulations. So maybe i can run my old Vic-20 machine code or the few C64 programs i’ve written.

I’ve only made the bash script, the included asm files i copied from someone on the internet. ( Credit lookup )

makeprg bash file:

set -x
if [ "$2" == "f" ] ; then f="-fullscreen" ; fi 
if [ ! -f $1.asm ] ; then
cp template.asm $1.asm
vi $1.asm
acme --cpu 6510 --format cbm --outfile $1.prg $1.asm
if [ ! $? -eq 0 ] ; then exit 1 ; fi 
c1541 -format foo,id d64 $1.d64 -write $1.prg
if [ ! $? -eq 0 ] ; then exit 1 ; fi 
x64 $f $1.prg 


!source "basic-boot.asm"

+start_at $0900

; Set background and border to black
ldx #$00
stx bgcol
stx bocol

; Flicker border and background
  inc bgcol
  inc bocol
  jmp .loop


; A BASIC booter, encodes `10 SYS <address>`.
; Macroified from http://www.pouet.net/topic.php?which=6541

!source "constants.asm"

!macro start_at .address {
  * = basic
  !byte $0c,$08,$00,$00,$9e
  !if .address >= 10000 { !byte 48 + ((.address / 10000) % 10) }
  !if .address >=  1000 { !byte 48 + ((.address /  1000) % 10) }
  !if .address >=   100 { !byte 48 + ((.address /   100) % 10) }
  !if .address >=    10 { !byte 48 + ((.address /    10) % 10) }
  !byte $30 + (.address % 10), $00, $00, $00
  * = .address

; A cooler example is to write
;   10 SYS <address>: REM <backspaces>Your comment
; When the user types LIST, he will just see
;   10 Your comment
; but still be able to run it.
; For this, see http://codebase64.org/doku.php?id=base:acme-macro-tu

When running above bash script. it will open the file if it exists, else it will take a template file.
After opening it with vi, and editing it, it starts a the compiler and creates a C64 d64 disk.
This is going to be autorun/started with the VIce emulator.
Appending -f to the bash script will start it in fullscreen mode.
./makeprg myawesomedemo.asm -f

Below it is running without the fullscreen option. but is shows how to start the interactive monitor in vice.

  • n – step x instructions
    n 100
  • m monitor
(C:$103e) m
>C:103e  cd 12 d0 d0  fb a2 00 bd  5c 10 bc 79  10 88 d0 fd   ........\..y....
>C:104e  8d 20 d0 8d  21 d0 e8 e0  1d d0 ec 4c  81 ea 06 00   . ..!......L....
>C:105e  0e 06 0e 0e  03 0e 03 03  01 03 01 01  01 01 03 01   ................
>C:106e  03 03 0e 03  0e 0e 06 0e  00 06 00 07  09 09 09 09   ................
>C:107e  09 09 09 07  09 09 09 09  09 09 09 07  09 09 09 09   ................
>C:108e  09 09 09 07  09 09 09 09  00 00 00 00  ff ff ff ff   ................
>C:109e  00 00 00 00  ff ff ff ff  00 00 00 00  ff ff ff ff   ................
>C:10ae  00 00 00 00  ff ff ff ff  00 00 00 00  ff ff ff ff   ................
>C:10be  00 00 00 00  ff ff ff ff  00 00 00 00  ff ff ff ff   ................
  • d -assemble
(C:$1041) d 1000
.C:1000  78          SEI
.C:1001  A5 00       LDA $00
.C:1003  8A          TXA
.C:1004  98          TYA
.C:1005  8D 20 D0    STA $D020
.C:1008  8D 21 D0    STA $D021
.C:100b  A0 7F       LDY #$7F
.C:100d  8C 0D DC    STY $DC0D
.C:1010  8C 0D DD    STY $DD0D
.C:1013  AD 0D DC    LDA $DC0D
.C:1016  AD 0D DD    LDA $DD0D
.C:1019  A9 01       LDA #$01
.C:101b  8D 1A D0    STA $D01A
.C:101e  A9 39       LDA #$39
.C:1020  A2 10       LDX #$10
.C:1022  8D 14 03    STA $0314
.C:1025  8E 15 03    STX $0315

Etc .. see https://vice-emu.sourceforge.io/vice_12.html

Screens and DIY projects

Below some examples and connection diagrams to control displays.
More code and complete schematics will be added on this page or on a separate projects page.

UPDATE 20230119 Cost of 20×4 display in 1998


I’ve used a LCD display like this (HITACHI HD44780) on my PC in the 90s, and also written code to use this as a monitoring device on my amiga.

On Linux i used LcdProc – This module also was equiped with a serial connector
Now (2023) it is 8 euros!
;LCD Display Module             Parallel port
;        1 Vss                  20 GND
;        2 Vdd                  14 +5V
;        3 Vlc                  20 GND (contrast LCD display)
;        4 RS (register select) 11 BUSY
;        5 R/W                  12 POUT
;        6 E (enable)           13 SEL
;        7 DB0                   2 D0
;        8 DB1                   3 D1
;        9 DB2                   4 D2
;       10 DB3                   5 D3
;       11 DB4                   6 D4
;       12 DB5                   7 D5
;       13 DB6                   8 D6
;       14 DB7                   9 D7
Amiga code part
        bsr     initprt         ; CIA 8520 init
        bsr     initlcd         ; init lcd display module
        move.l  #0,d0

initprt:move.b  #$ff,$bfe301    ; parallel port is output
        move.b  $bfd200,d0
        ori.b   #$07,d0         ; select, p-out and busy
        move.b  d0,$bfd200      

initlcd:move.w  #$38,d0         ; multiple reset
        bsr     send
        bsr     delay2
        move.w  #$38,d0
        bsr     send
        bsr     delay2
        move.w  #$38,d0         ; 2*8 lines
        bsr     send
        bsr     delay2
        move.w  #$01,d0         ; clear display
        bsr     send
        bsr     delay2          ; wait
        move.w  #$0c,d0         ; display on
        bsr     send
        move.w  #$06,d0         ; Entry Mode Set
        bsr     send

send:   bsr     delay
        btst    #8,d0           ; test rs bit
        beq     reg0
        bsr     rs1             ; select register 1
        bra     skip
reg0:   bsr     rs0             ; select register 0
        bsr     delay
        bsr     rw0             ; read/write=0 
        bsr     delay
        bsr     e1              ; enable = 1
        bsr     delay
        move.b  d0,$bfe101      ; push data
        bsr     delay
        bsr     e0              
        bsr     delay

delay:  move.w  #$20,d1
dloop:  subi    #1,d1
        bne     dloop

delay2: move.w  #$800,d1
dloop2: subi    #1,d1
        bne     dloop2
Part of my MQTT display alarm thingy
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <PubSubClient.h>
#include <Wire.h> 
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>  
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 20, 4);
const char* ssid = "MYACCESSPOINT";
const char* password = "MYPASSWORD";
const char* mqtt_server = "mymqttserver";
const byte ledRed = 12;
const byte horn = 13;
int button = 2;
int press = 0;
boolean buttonToggle = true;


WiFiClient espClient;
PubSubClient client(espClient);
bool toggle = false;
void setup_wifi() {

  Serial.print("Connecting to ");
  WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)
  Serial.println("WiFi connected");
  Serial.println("IP address: ");

void callback(char* topic, byte* payload, unsigned int length)
  if (length > 0) {
    toggle = true;

  if (length == 0) {
    toggle = false;

  Serial.print("Command from MQTT broker is : [");

  Serial.print(" publish data is:");
  lcd.backlight(); // turn off backlight

    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
      if (i < 16){
      lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
      lcd.setCursor(i, 0);
      } else {
      lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
      lcd.setCursor(i-16, 1);


void reconnect() {
  while (!client.connected())
    Serial.print("Attempting MQTT connection...");
    String clientId = "mqttlcd";
    clientId += String(random(0xffff), HEX);

    if (client.connect(clientId.c_str()))

    } else {
      Serial.print("failed, rc=");
      Serial.println(" try again in 5 seconds");

void setup() {
  pinMode(button, INPUT);
  digitalWrite(2, HIGH);
  pinMode(ledRed, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(ledRed, LOW);
  pinMode(horn, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(horn, LOW);
  client.setServer(mqtt_server, 1883);

void loop() {

  if (!client.connected()) {
  if (toggle == true) {
    digitalWrite(ledRed, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(horn, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(ledRed, LOW);
    digitalWrite(horn, LOW);
  if (toggle == false) {
    digitalWrite(ledRed, LOW);
    digitalWrite(horn, LOW);



  press = digitalRead(button);
  if (press == LOW)
    if (buttonToggle)
      digitalWrite(ledRed, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(horn, HIGH);
      buttonToggle = !buttonToggle;
      digitalWrite(ledRed, LOW); 
      digitalWrite(horn, LOW);
      buttonToggle = !buttonToggle;
      toggle = false;
      lcd.noBacklight(); // turn off backlight
  delay(500);  //delay for debounce


There are several oled displays, mostly controllable with i2c but some of them are SPI

SSD1306 – I2c connected

Using a wemos – Octoprint project for example
Octoprint (Note: this is NOT a multicolor display 1/4 of the display is yellow. )
My notification watch. Runs on a ESP12F connects to Wifi, has a piezo sound element
Using a raspberry (Part of my Lab Sensors Project)
pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-ssd1306
git clone https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_Python_SSD1306 (old)
Edit file - comment SPI section

Some arduino’s have embedded displays like those i’ve used for a Lora project.

Other means of connecting : SPI

SPI connected display


Nextion is a Human Machine Interface (HMI) solution combining an onboard processor and memory touch display with Nextion Editor software for HMI GUI project development.

Using the Nextion Editor software, you can quickly develop the HMI GUI by drag-and-drop components (graphics, text, button, slider, etc.) and ASCII text-based instructions for coding how components interact on the display side.

Nextion HMI display connects to peripheral MCU via TTL Serial (5V, TX, RX, GND) to provide event notifications that peripheral MCU can act on, the peripheral MCU can easily update progress, and status back to Nextion display utilizing simple ASCII text-based instructions.

My nextion domoticz box, tilt to wakeup
Domoticz controller

My biltong box using a Nextion

Raspberry displays

 3.5inch RPi Display – 480×320 Pixel – XPT2046 Touch Controller
edit cmdline.txt
add "fbcon=map:10 fbcon=font:ProFont6x11 logo.nologo"
at the end
edit config.txt
add between custom comments at the bottom
# Or check http://www.lcdwiki.com/3.5inch_RPi_Display

Above display’s i’ve used for Picore Players and the Lidar POC

To try: Getting above display running with a arduino

Raspberry HDMI display

Easiest of them all, just connect with HDMI, there is a adaptor for hdmi-hdmi (versions 1,2,3) and hdmi-mini-hdmi for RPi4 variants.

Epaper and 7-Segment displays

Other means of displaying information are for example


ESP with epaper module, disconnected power for a while, artifacts appear.

7 Segment displays

I used a lot of 7-Segment display’s in the past. They look cool and are hardcore.

My homebrew computer uses this

Nixie tubes!

And there are https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nixie_tube .. I’ve never had those

Above bigger 2D display i used with Wled and a digital microphone, so its sound reactive. The lower part i got in recently .

inmp441 digital microphone

MPF-1B – Z80 Training kit

One from my collection: A training kit for learning to write machine language.

Update: 20220514 – Save and Load a program
Update: 20220829 – Mad-1 computer runaway movie

A little example, life programming a little machine code.

ORG 1800
0E 80              ; LD C,0
21 C0 00           ; LD HL,00C0
CD E4 05           ; CALL 0X05E4
0E 01              ; LD C,0
21 00 01           ; LD HL,0100
CD E4 05           ; CALL 0X05E4
C3 00 18           ; JMP 0X1800

Found this cameo in the movie “Runaway”

Using a tape and COMX-35 cassette player, i can store and retreive programs

Old Skool saving a program
And loading a program

Above i mentioned a Runaway Cameo .. well there is a MAD-1 system cameo also. (Which also i in my collection)

Little book with jokes and programs.

A long time ago i took a book about doing funny stuff in dos, and wrote own additions in the sidelines of the book. Or used the empty pages.

It contains jokes using autoexec.bat and config.sys. Additions by me are most of the time things you could do with debug.com, a little program which existed on any pc at that time.

A little program which created static on a CGA or Hercules monitor. Yes, that long ago. CGA provided 16 colors in 80×25 or 40×25 text modes, but only four colors at 320×200 resolution and two colors at 640×200. Hercules was only monochrome and a max resolution of 720×348. It was on a hercules card i made my first copperbar. ( Before the effect was named copperbar ). Due to difference in timing on every machine, you had to get the copperbar timing right by using two keys i’d assigned the timing to.

MOV AL,00                      # Fill AL register with 0
MOV DX,0x03D8 (cga) 03B8 (herc)# DX with address
OUT DX,AL                      # Set address with AL
MOV AL,[0101]                  # Reg AL with contents 
INC AL                         # Increment AL
MOV [0101],AL                  # Address fill with AL
JMP 100                        # Jump to start

The opcodes for the program :

b0 00
66 ba d8 03
a0 41 00 00 00  
fe c0
a2 41 00 00 00 
e9 60 00 00 00

Sometimes i put these little programs in autoexec.bat, so at next restart of the pc, it would do something weird. My little BOFH jokes. Friends and computerstores where not safe.

Another example:

Two drives in a PC ? (Wie A: zegt moet ook B: zeggen)
Use with care, below will f*ck up your drives. (And makes a lot of noise while doing so.)

MOV DX,0x03F2
JMP 100

( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floppy-disk_controller )

C64 plus drive running again

20220502: Fixed another C64, PIA (Peripheral Interface Adapter) was dead, luckily i’ve got several spare-part c64’s. So that was a easy fix.

20220504: Got my sd2iec adaptor in, see bottom of this page.

Booting with a power cartridge
None of my old computers was unmodified
Demo by my old friend Sepp

Drive is a 1541model 2

De wires are going to the DOUT pins of the memory chips. Showing activity using leds. Sometimes i monitored CS .. also informative.

SD2IES Cardreader

Little small funky gadget, it replaces a 1541 Floppy drive with a SDCard reader where you can store a lot of floppydisk images on.
More on this later.

NOTE : Doesn’t work together with my KCS Power cartridge.

I’ve tested two cartridges.

Final cartridge III fastload test on a program did ~3 seconds. ( Normal load time ~17 seconds. ) KCS powercartridge didn’t work. Tip: press `runstop` when using FC3 while turning on to get into basic not the desktop.

Bios password fix

Don’t know bios passwd anymore?

start debug.exe

o = out
port 0x0070-0x0071	The CMOS and RTC registers (more info below)
# Does not seem related but it works!

-o 70 2E
-o 71 FF


-o 70 17
-o 71 17

Other fixes i’ve used:

Remove cmos battery .. and short the connections with wire.
This CAN completely reset your Bios settings!

0070-007F ----	CMOS RAM/RTC (Real Time Clock  MC146818)

0070	w	CMOS RAM index register port (ISA, EISA)
		 bit 7	 = 1  NMI disabled
			 = 0  NMI enabled
		 bit 6-0      CMOS RAM index (64 bytes, sometimes 128 bytes)

		any write to 0070 should be followed by an action to 0071
		or the RTC wil be left in an unknown state.

0071	r/w	CMOS RAM data port (ISA, EISA)
		RTC registers:
		00    current second in BCD
		01    alarm second   in BCD
		02    current minute in BCD
		03    alarm minute   in BCD
		04    current hour in BCD
		05    alarm hour   in BCD
		06    day of week  in BCD
		07    day of month in BCD
		08    month in BCD
		09    year  in BCD (00-99)
		0A    status register A
		       bit 7 = 1  update in progress
		       bit 6-4 divider that identifies the time-based
		       bit 3-0 rate selection output  frequency and int. rate
		0B    status register B
		       bit 7 = 0  run
			     = 1  halt
		       bit 6 = 1  enable periodic interrupt
		       bit 5 = 1  enable alarm interrupt
		       bit 4 = 1  enable update-ended interrupt
		       bit 3 = 1  enable square wave interrupt
		       bit 2 = 1  calendar is in binary format
			     = 0  calendar is in BCD format
		       bit 1 = 1  24-hour mode
			     = 0  12-hour mode
		       bit 0 = 1  enable daylight savings time. only in USA.
				  useless in Europe. Some DOS versions clear
				  this bit when you use the DAT/TIME command.
		0C    status register C
		       bit 7 =	  interrupt request flag
		       bit 6 =	  peridoc interrupt flag
		       bit 5 =	  alarm interrupt flag
		       bit 4 =	  update interrupt flag
		       bit 3-0	  reserved
		0D    status register D
		       bit 7 = 1  Real-Time Clock has power
		       bit 6-0	  reserved
		0E    diagnostics status byte
		       bit 7 = 0  RTC lost power
		       bit 6 = 1  CMOS RAM checksum bad
		       bit 5 = 1  invalid configuration information at POST
		       bit 4 = 1  memory size error at POST
		       bit 3 = 1  fixed disk/adapter failed initialization
		       bit 2 = 1  CMOS RAM time found invalid
		       bit 1 = 1  adapters do not match configuration (EISA)
		       bit 0 = 1  time out reading an adapter ID (EISA)
		0F    shutdown status byte
		       00 = normal execution of POST
		       01 = chip set initialization for real mode reentry
		       04 = jump to bootstrap code
		       05 = issue an EOI an JMP to Dword ptr at 40:67
		       06 = JMP to Dword ptrv at 40:67 without EOI
		       07 = return to INT15/87 (block move)
		       08 = return to POST memory test
		       09 = return to INT15/87 (block move)
		       0A = JMP to Dword ptr at 40:67 without EOI
		       0B = return IRETS through 40:67
		10    diskette drive type for A: and B:
		       bit 7-4	drive type of drive 0
		       bit 3-0	drive type of drive 1
			       = 0000	   no drive
			       = 0001	   360K
			       = 0010	   1M2
			       = 0011	   720K
			       = 0100	   1M44
			       = 0101-1111 reserved
		11    reserved / AMI Extended CMOS setup (AMI Hi-Flex BIOS)
		       bit 7   = 1     Typematic Rate Programming
		       bit 6-5 = 00    Typematic Rate Delay 250 mSec
		       bit 4-0 = 00011 Typematic Rate 21.8 Chars/Sec
		12    fixed disk drive type for drive 0 and drive 1
		       bit 7-4	drive type of drive 0
		       bit 3-0	drive type of drive 1
				if either of the nibbles equals 0F, then bytes
				19 an 1A are valid
		13    reserved / AMI Extended CMOS setup (AMI Hi-Flex BIOS)
		       bit 7 = 1  Mouse Support Option
		       bit 6 = 1  Above 1 MB Memory Test disable
		       bit 5 = 1  Memory Test Tick Sound disable
		       bit 4 = 1  Memory Parity Error Check enable
		       bit 3 = 1  Hit <ESC> Message Display disabled
		       bit 2 = 1  Hard Disk Type 47 Data Area at address 0:300
		       bit 1 = 1  Wait For <F1> If Any Error enabled
		       bit 0 = 1  System Boot Up Num Lock is On
		14    equipment byte
		       bit 7-6	 diskette drives installed
			       = 00  1 drive installed
			       = 01  2 drives installed
			       = 10  reserved
			       = 11  reserved
		       bit 5-4	 primary display
			       = 00  adapter card with option ROM 
			       = 01  40*25 color
			       = 10  80*25 color
			       = 11  monochrome
		       bit 3-2	 reserved
		       bit 1   = 1  coprocessor installed (non-Weitek)
		       bit 0	    diskette drive avaliable for boot
		15    LSB of systemn base memory in Kb
		16    MSB of systemn base memory in Kb
		17    LSB of total extended memory in Kb
		18    MSB of total extended memory in Kb
		19    drive C extension byte
		1A    drive D extension byte
		1B-27 reserved
		1B/1C word to 82335 RC1 roll compare register at [24]
		1D/1E word to 82335 RC2 roll compare register at [26]
		28    HP-Vectra checksum over 29-2D
		29-2D reserved
		29/2A word to Intel 82335 CC0 compare register at
		2B/2C word send to 82335 CC1 compare register at [2A]
		2D    AMI Extended CMOS setup (AMI Hi-Flex BIOS)
		      (Phoenix BIOS checks for the values AA or CC)
		       bit 7 = 1  Weitek Processor Absent
		       bit 6 = 1  Floppy Drive Seek At Boot disabled
		       bit 5 = 1  System Boot Up Sequence  C:, A:
		       bit 4 = 1  System Boot Up Speed is high
		       bit 3 = 1  Cache Memory enabled
		       bit 2 = 1  Internal Cache Memory	 <1>
		       bit 1-0	  reserved
		2E    CMOS MSB checksum over 10-2D
		2F    CMOS LSB checksum over 10-2D
		30    LSB of extended memory found above 1Mb at POST
		31    MSB of extended memory found above 1Mb at POST
		32    date century in BCD
		33    information flags
		       bit4 = bit4 from CPU register CR0   (Phoenix)
			      this bit is only known as INTEL RESERVED
		34-3F reserved	
		34     bit4 bit5 (Phoenix BIOS)
		3D/3E word to 82335 MCR memory config register at
		3D     bit3	 base memsize 512/640  (Phoenix)
		3E     bit7 = 1	 relocate enable       (Phoenix)
		       bit1 = 1	 shadow video enable   (Phoenix)
		       bit0 = 1	 shadow BIOS enable    (Phoenix)

		User Definable Drive Parameters are also stored in CMOS RAM:

		AMI (386sx BIOS 1989) first user definable drive (type 47)
		 1B  L cylinders
		 1C  H cylinders
		 1D  heads
		 1E  L Write Precompensation Cylinder
		 1F  H Write Precompensation Cylinder
		 20  ??
		 21  L cylinders parking zone
		 22  H cylinders parking zone
		 23  sectors

		AMI (386sx BIOS 1989) second user definable drive (type 48)
		 24  L cylinders
		 25  H cylinders
		 26  heads
		 27  L Write Precompensation Cylinder
		 28  H Write Precompensation Cylinder
		 29  ??
		 2A  L cylinders parking zone
		 2B  H cylinders parking zone
		 2C  sectors

		Phoenix (386BIOS v1.10.03 1988) 1st user definable drv (type48)
		 20  L cylinders
		 21  H cylinders
		 22  heads
		 23  L Write Precompensation Cylinder
		 24  H Write Precompensation Cylinder
		 25  L cylinders parking zone
		 26  H cylinders parking zone
		 27  sectors

		Phoenix (386BIOS v1.10.03 1988) 2nd user definable drv (type49)
		(when PS/2-style password option is not used)
		 35  L cylinders
		 36  H cylinders
		 37  heads
		 38  L Write Precompensation Cylinder
		 39  H Write Precompensation Cylinder
		 3A  L cylinders parking zone
		 3B  H cylinders parking zone
		 3C  sectors

VGA image on dos without borders.

This year i’ve been really into assembly on Intel x86 machines.
With EDK we made some demo’s and generally trying to find the limits of the machines we had.

Funny story, edk made a program which changed the palette every scanline (if memory serves me right), while running the program and looking at the screen the colors faded to grayscale. (Something with run-away tables) We look at eachother and said: We must have been using up all colors, we need to refill the graphics card.

I previously made a copperbar alike thingy on a hercules system. (Have not seen them before on a pc back then )
But with below program, i could display pictures which removed the borders.

Below a nsfw video example (pass protected), but a simplified example in pictures below that.

Restricted Content
To view this protected content, enter the password below:

Test image i’ve used on a 320×200 screen resolution

    name split_screen

parm_vert equ 0

data segment
intmsk      db ?
oldvidtab   db 18h dup (?)      ;actuele video-parameters
newvidtab   label byte
            db 0
            db 12
            db 12
            db 0
            db 0
            db 5
            db 5
            db 0;-40
            db 0
            db 0
            db 0
            db 0
            db 0
            db 0
            db 0
            db 0
            db 0
            db 0
            db 0
            ;       REGISTER 13H (OFFSET)
            db 0
            db 18h dup (0)
data ends

stack segment stack
    dw 128 dup (?)
stack ends

code    segment
        assume cs:code,ds:data
cols label byte
    mov dx,3d4h
    mov al,11h
    out dx,al
    inc dx
    in al,dx
    and al,7fh  ;clear bit 7: enable writes to vga reg 0..7
    out dx,al
    dec dx
    mov al,13h      ;offset register
    out dx,al
    inc dx
    in al,dx        ;get actual value
    add al,4
    out dx,al
    mov dx,3d4h
    mov cx,18h  ;18h registers
    mov di,offset oldvidtab
    mov bl,0    ;begin met register 0
    mov al,bl   ;register index
    out dx,al
    inc dx      ;3d5
    in al,dx    ;get actual register content
    dec dx
    mov [di],al
    inc di
    inc bl      ;volgend register
    loop govp1

    mov si,offset oldvidtab
    mov di,offset newvidtab
    mov cx,18h
    mov al,[si]
    add al,[di]
    mov [di],al
    inc si
    inc di
    loop donewparms
    mov dx,3d4h
    mov cx,18h  ;18h registers
    mov si,offset newvidtab
    mov bl,0    ;begin met register 0
    mov al,bl   ;register index
    out dx,al
    inc dx      ;3d5
    mov al,[si]
    inc si
    out dx,al   ;set register value
    dec dx
    inc bl      ;volgend register
    loop snvp1

    mov ax,data
    mov ds,ax
    in al,21h
    mov intmsk,al
    mov al,11111101b
    out 21h,al
    mov ax,13h
    int 10h
;extend video-memory to 256kb or more
    mov dx,3ceh
    mov al,06h
    out dx,al
    inc dx
    in al,dx
    and al,0f3h
    out dx,al
    mov ax,0a000h
    mov es,ax
    call set_scrparms
    call get_oldvidparms
    call set_newvidparms
    mov dx,3cch
    in al,dx
    and al,03fh
    mov ah,parm_vert
    ror ah,2
    or al,ah
    mov dx,3c2h
    out dx,al
    push ds
    mov ax,5000h
    mov ds,ax
; pallet

    mov dx,3c8h
    xor al,al
    out dx,al
    inc dx
    mov cx,256*3
    mov si,100h
    rep outsb
;disp picture routine
    mov ax,6000h
    mov ds,ax
    mov si,0
    mov di,0
    mov ax,0
    mov cx,352*8
    rep stosw
    mov si,di
    mov cx,8
    rep stosw
    mov bp,170
    mov si,di
    mov cx,320
    rep movsb
    mov ax,0
    mov cx,16
    rep stosw
    mov si,di
    dec bp
    jnz hiero

    xor si,si
    xor di,di
    mov ax,0b000h
    mov es,ax
    mov ax,07000h
    mov ds,ax
    mov cx,3000
    mov ax,0
    rep stosw
    mov ax,0a000h
    mov es,ax

    mov ax,6000h
    mov ds,ax
    mov di,0
    mov si,di
    push ax
    mov ah,8
    int 21h
    pop ax
    mov cx,-1
    rep movsb

    xor si,si
    xor di,di
    mov ax,0b000h
    mov es,ax
    mov ax,07000h
    mov ds,ax
    mov cx,3000
    rep movsw
    mov ax,0a000h
    mov es,ax
    pop ds
    mov dx,3dah
    in al,dx
    test al,8
    jnz wtv1
    in al,dx
    test al,8
    jz  wtv2
    mov ah,1
    int 16h
    jz mloop
    xor ah,ah
    int 16h
    mov ax,3
    int 10h
    mov al,intmsk
    out 21h,al
    mov ax,4c00h
    int 21h

code ends
end init

Sakura demo

I think i started programming in assembly on PC around 1992. I learned a lot from my friend Edk. Who was a assembly wizard just like Sepp. Reverse engineering routines, writing emulators etc.

We made several demo’s like the one below. It must have been around 1994.

Dos emulator running our demo from 1994

Just after this one, we started a demo which could run from a 5.25″ boot disk. No dos operating system.
When starting your pc, booting from a floppy you would get a starfield, with some text (from a bootsector) ,after that it would load the next sectors, wich contained the rest of the demo.
Due to directly programming soundcard and graphics card, this was hard to pull off on different kinds of hardware.

Demo gfx

Example of assembly code for a effect.

    NAME plasma

.model small
colshades   db +001h, 001h,+001h
            db -001h,-001h,-000h
            db +000h,-000h,-001h
            db -000h,-000h,+000h
rgb_cols    db 256*3 dup (?)
cosptr dw 0
sinptr dw 30

demo        proc near

show proc near
    xor di,di
    mov bp,200
    mov cx,320
    mov si,0
    mov dx,0
;    push ds
;    mov ax,7000h
;    mov ds,ax
;    lodsb
;    pop ds
    call getsincos
    add cosptr,1
    loop show0
;    add dx,1
    add sinptr,1
    dec bp
    jnz show1
show endp

effect proc near
;   add cosptr,1
;    add sinptr,0
effect endp

getsincos proc near
    push di
    push ds
    mov si,cosptr
    mov di,sinptr
    mov ax,7000h
    mov ds,ax
    lodsb           ;get cos value
    cmp si,320      ;einde costab?
    jb cosok
    xor si,si
    mov ah,al
    xchg si,di
    lodsb           ;get cos value
    cmp si,320      ;einde costab?
    jb sinok
    xor si,si
    xchg si,di
    pop ds
    mov cosptr,si
    mov sinptr,di

    mov dx,0
    mov dl,al
    add dl,ah
    adc dh,0
    shr dx,1
    mov al,dl
;    xor al,ah
;    add al,ah
    pop di
getsincos endp

setcols proc near
    push    es
    push    ds
    pop     es
    mov     di,offset rgb_cols
    mov     si,offset colshades
    mov     dl,0    ;start with black
    mov     bh,0
    mov     bl,0
    mov     bp,4
    mov     cx,64-1
    mov     al,dl
    mov     al,bh
    mov     al,bl
    mov     al,[si]
    add     dl,al
    mov     al,[si+1]
    add     bh,al
    mov     al,[si+2]
    add     bl,al
    loop    set_rgb
    add     si,3
    dec     bp
    jnz     set_rgball
    pop     es
setcols endp

setrgb proc near
    mov dx,3c8h
    xor al,al       ;start with colour 00h
    out dx,al
    inc dx
    mov si,offset rgb_cols
    mov cx,256*3
    rep outsb       ;set 256 RGB values
setrgb endp

wvtr proc near
    mov dx,3dah
    in al,dx
    test al,8
    jz wtv
wvtr endp

    mov ax,@data
    mov ds,ax
    mov ax,0a000h
    mov es,ax
    mov ax,13h
    int 10h         ;screen 320x200 256 colours
    call setcols
    call setrgb
    call show
    mov al,11111101b
    out 21h,al      ;disable int
    call wvtr
;    call show
    call effect
    mov ah,1
    int 16h
    jz mloop
    xor ah,ah
    int 16h
    xor al,al
    out 21h,al      ;enable int
    mov ax,3
    int 10h         ;screen  80x25 text
    mov ax,4c00h
    int 21h         ;back to DOS
demo        endp

end start