Last Updated or created 2024-09-20
Not a lot to tell, but much going on.
Having my own business means having a more professional electronics lab is a must.
So I’m moving from the attic to our outside workshop. That also means I have to make our Music Studio smaller.
So moving, printing a lot on my new 3D printer and designing EuroCards.
Above card will hold two address decodes parts, selectable using jumpers. ( Old skool TTL using 74xx and a new solution using ATF22V10.
We like Low Poly models, so I printed one using marble PLA.
I’ve cleaned my old 3D printer, and I am planning to convert this printer to a 2D plotter and a CNC machine.
I’ve already printed a pen holder and a dremel holder.
(The filament head will be removed)
I’m working on a Gcode writer to plot drawings using a pen, or using a Gyro-cut knife to cut paper.
And the biggest project using this old 3D printer, a CNC machine!
Test Code:
import time import serial arduino = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0', 115200, timeout=.1) # Motor stuff arduino.write(str.encode("M84 X Y Z S12000\r\n")) arduino.write(str.encode("M92 X160 Y160 Z800\r\n")) # Extrude fix arduino.write(str.encode("G92 E0\r\n")) # Go home arduino.write(str.encode("G28\r\n")) # Move to x,y,z arduino.write(str.encode("G1 Z90 X50 Y50\r\n")) # Wait arduino.write(str.encode("M400\r\n"))
Sin wave fun:
import time import serial import math from time import sleep arduino = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0', 115200, timeout=.1) arduino.write(str.encode("M84 X Y Z S12000\r\n")) arduino.write(str.encode("M92 X160 Y160 Z800\r\n")) arduino.write(str.encode("G92 E0\r\n")) arduino.write(str.encode("G28\r\n")) arduino.write(str.encode("M220 S100\r\n")) arduino.write(str.encode("G1 Z10 X60 Y60\r\n")) arduino.write(str.encode("M400\r\n")) sleep(10) count = 0 while True: newx=(math.sin(math.radians(count))*50)+60 newy=(math.cos(math.radians(count))*50)+60 newz=(math.cos(math.radians(count))*10)+20 count = count + 1 mystring="G1 Z" + str(newz) + " X" + str(newx) + " Y" + str(newy) + "\r\n" print(mystring) arduino.write(str.encode(mystring)) arduino.write(str.encode("M400\r\n")) # Not waiting for answer yet print(newx) sleep(0.1)