Software lists .. old stuff

Last Updated or created 2023-02-01

Funny to see old lists again, software you used to have.

MS-DOS Softwarelijst:                                         

M.G. Aanstoot en H.M.Aanstoot

1    3.5         720k
2    3.5         1.4M
3    5.25       360k
4    5.25       1.2M

3    H    MS-DOS 3.3  (org.)
3    H    MS-DOS utilities  (org.)
3    H    GW-Basic  (org.)
3    H    First Step  (org.)
3    H    MS-DOS instructie  (org.)
3    M    Genius Menu Maker & Menu Library V.7  (org.)
3    H    4DOS.ZIP

3    H/M  Dr. Halo III  (2 disks)
3    M    Draw
1    M    Paintbrush
1    M    3D-Grafieken
1    M    TheDraw

3    M    Basicprogramma's  (2 disks)
3    M    Turbo Basic
3    M    Quick Basic  (2 disks)
3    H    Quick Basic Compiler

3    M    Printshop
3    M    Newsroom  (5 disks)
3    M    Printmaster +  (2 disks)
1    M    News Master

3    M    NS Reisplan '91/'92
3    H    PC-Globe (5 disks)
1    M    Netnummers

3    H    MASM
3    H    Linkers + TASM

3    H    Pictures
3    H    Martin's Proggy Disk

3    H    C64 Emulator
3    H    8085 Emulator
3    H    Z80 Emulator, Tollfree, Connector.txt
3    H    Sidekick voor NANO
3    H    6800

3    H    PLM Data
3    H    Pascal Progs
3    H    Graphics + Tools
3    H    Turbo Pascal 3.0
3    H    Turbo Pascal 5.0 Pro (8 disks)

3    H    Ultiboard Demo Disk
3    H    Slave
3    H    MicroCap (3 disks)
3    H    Logic Master
3    H    Orcad (10 disks)

3    H    Anywhere + PROG dir.
3    H    Procomm Laplink

3    M    Simpson2 module
3    M    Moduleplayers
3    M    Me So Horny Sample
1    M    COVOX Player + Samples
1    M    Samples #1
1    M    Samples #2
1    M    Samples #3
1    M    Samples #4
1    M    Samples #5

1    M    Word-Perfect 5.0 (7 disks)
1    M/H  Word-Perfect 5.1 (6 disks)
3    M    Ventura Publisher 2.0  (19 disks)
3    M    Volkswriter de Luxe  (org.)
3    M    Brown Bag Word Processor
3    M    Brown Bag Speller
3    M    Wordstar Pro 4.00
3    M    Wordstar
3    M    TXT 236

3    M    Norton 4.0  (2 disks)
3    M    Zuid-Afrikaans PC-Tools (by Sepp)
1    M    Virus Scanner, Helers, Prevent
3    H    Norton Guide Maker

3    H    Speedstore
3    H    Diskmanager
3    H    Diskbase
3    H    Fixed Disk Organiser

3    H    Lantastic
3    H    Mainstream Demo Disk
3    H    Ariadne
3    H    Manager Disk

3    H    PC-Intern 2.0
3    H    ARC. Programma's (5 disks)
3    H    PCM Tools
3    H    Herc. + CGA Simulators
3    M    Automake
3    M    Genetic's
3    M    DBase III+  (2 disks)
3    M    Show Partner Graphic Editor
3    M    Showtime & Visuals
3    M    Full Screen Definition 3.2
3    M    Slide
3    M    Font Maker
3    M    VPG  (2 disks)
3    M    System F  (2 disks)
3    M    Demo + Help + Printer
3    M    F&A Faktureren
3    M    Letrix
3    M    Optiks
3    M    Uptime
3    M    PC-File
3    M    PC-Calc
3    M    PC-Type
1    M    Planoort
3    M    PC-Deskmate
3    M    Allmac + Calc + Cursur
3    M    Sideways
1    M    Ability Plus V1.0 (2 disks)
1    M    Fontasy (4 disks)
1    M    Convertible, Diskdupe, Dosedit, Smartkey, Zaplabel

1    M    Mig29 Demo (covox-module)
1    M    Megademo (covox-module)
1    M    Dragon's Lair Demo (covox-module)
3    M    Draw Demo  (CGA)
3    H    HOT-Boot I

3    M    Defender Of The Crown
3    M    Stunt Car Racer
3    M    Grand Prix               |2de disk?
3    M    Airborne Ranger
3    M    Mach 3
3    M    Xenon II (2 disks)  |2de disk?
3    M    Heavy Metal
3    M    Grandprix Cycles (2 disks)
3    M    Carmen Interpol
3    M    Up Periscope
3    M    Space Harrier (2 disks)
3    M    Space Racer
3    M    Hard Ball
3    M    Dambusters (copied with amiga)
3    M    Into The Eagles Nest
3    M    Tomahawk
3    M    California Games
3    M    Test Drive I
3    M    Test Drive II  |2/3de disk?
3    M    Super Pinball
3    M    688 Attack Sub
3    M    Ninja
3    M    Falcon
3    M    Blockout
3    M    Tetris
3    M    Empire
3    M    Chess
1    M    Mean Streat (3 disks)
1    M    Operation Wolf
1    M    Lombard Rally
1    M    Gauntlet II
1    M    Outrun
1    M    Simcity
1    M    Speedball II
1    M    Skweek

1    M    Games, Utilities
3    M    Pitstop II, Bushido
3    M    Tennis, Cat, Hunt For Red October (simple ver.)
1    M    Arkanoid, Ballistics
1    M    Barbarian, Indiana Jones
1    M    Larry I, Heliplus
1    M    Fire Power, Fire And Forget
3    M    Moonit, Mahjongg

1    M    Police Quest II (3 disks)
1    M    Space Quest III (3 disks)
1    M    Larry II (3 disks)
1    M    Larry III (4 disks)

3    M    Ford Simulator
3    M    Chuck's Flightsimulator
3    M    Gato
1    M    Flightsimulator III
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