Last Updated or created 2023-01-14
May he rest in peace.
He was a great driving force for current pipers like: Ross Ainsley and Ali Hutton.
His music was innovate. Not alway liked by purists.
He listened a lot to Breton music, and used a lot of cross-fingering to play extra notes.
The (bad) comic about him.
See the Gordon Duncan Memorial Trust at
Great tunes:

Some of the tunes I play:
- Mexican Hat Dance
- Thunderstruck/Angus Thing
- Full moono down under
- Muineira De Poio
- Smeseno Horo
- 98 Jig
- Soup Dragon (Banjo)
- Belly Dancer (started this on Border Pipes because of the tuning)
- Sleeping Tune
- Andy Renwick’s Ferret
- Pressed of time (Mandoline)
- Fourth Floor
- High Drive (smallpipe with our Folk Band)
- Zeeto the Bubbleman (long time ago)