Last Updated or created 2023-01-03
A script to check the age of sensors.
Sometimes you don’t have a good 433Mhz connection.
Or the battery has died of your sensor.
This script will warn you. (for cron)
#!/bin/bash #Call as follows <ipdomoticz> <idx-of-sensor> <age-to-test-in-seconds> now=$(date +%s) lastupdate=$(curl -s -i -H "Accept: application/json" "http://$1:8080/json.htm?type=devices&rid=$2" | grep LastUpdate | cut -f4 -d\" ) #echo $lastupdate seen=$(date -d "$lastupdate" +%s) #echo $seen #echo "$(( $now - $seen))" difftime="$(( $now - $seen))" if [ $difftime -gt $3 ] ; then echo "WARN : too old - $difftime seconds" exit 1 else echo "OK : $difftime seconds" exit 0 fi
./ 123 60 OK : 22 seconds ./ 123 60 WARN : too old - 69 seconds
check_mk / icinga check
#!/bin/bash IPDOMO= IDX=123 agewarn=300 now=$(date +%s) lastupdate=$(curl -s -i -H "Accept: application/json" "http://$IPDOMO:8080/json.htm?type=devices&rid=$IDX" | grep LastUpdate | cut -f4 -d\" ) seen=$(date -d "$lastupdate" +%s) difftime="$(( $now - $seen))" if [ $difftime -gt $agewarn ] ; then echo "1 \"WARN - Age check Fridge\" realage=$difftime|age=$agewarn Age of fridge" exit 1 else echo "0 \"OK - Age check Fridge\" realage=$difftime|age=$agewarn Age of fridge" exit 0 fi