English humour

Last Updated or created 2022-08-06

One of my first encounters with English Humour was when my wonderful teacher Mrs Walraven rolled in the old VCR-on-cart when i was going to technical secondary school (MTS)

She showed us Monty Python, Faulty Towers and Black Adder. THIS is the humour i like, this is for me!

So from that point on i wanted to see English Humour.

There are standup comedians i like, Billy Connolly (seen him live), Eddie Izzard (seen him live), Michael McIntyre and Jimmy Carr (tickets!!!) to name a few.
Life stories, wierd confronting idea’s and realisations of things , Real life observations and Dark humour. (in that order)

Billy Connolly 2016

But i wanted to tell about TV shows (i try to place them in order):

Monty Python
One of the first things i saw, great stuff. Liked the movies also.

Black Adder
Loved the way it was the character Rowan Atkinson played got smarter every ‘season’, and Tony Robinson (Baldrick) was getting dumber.
The last ‘season’ WWI was when all things where exactly right.
(Yearly rewatch)

Not the nine o’clock news
This one i need to review

The Young Ones
A series that broke boundaries like Monty Python.
First time i notished the perfect duo, Rik Mayall and Ade Edmonson

Fawlty Towers
To few episodes, but each a brilliant piece of work.
Superb characters! (Yearly rewatch)

Red dwarf
Great stuff, loved the characters. And the space setting

Mr Bean
Great (silent) performance of Rowan Atkinson.
Liked his One man show more i think.

Then i learned about Bottom. It was the genius jokes and performances.
The 5 liveshows where even more amazing. (Yearly rewatch)
Also i have to mention the movie : Guest House Paradiso

So i went looking for more:

Filthy Rich & Catflap
Secret Policeman’s Ball
(not really a TV series)

Then i came across a oldie …

At last the 1948 show
A predecessor of Monty Python with Marty Feldman

Do not adjust your set
Also with guys who did Monty Python later on.

Today i was in Uist on holiday in Scotland, talking about these show.
The B&B owner said “Do you know – Ripping Yarns???”
So that’s the next to find and view!

Others i have to mention:
Alas Smith and Jones
The Bleak Old Shop of Stuff
Allo allo

The location where the bench was from the intro of Bottom the TV series. Now a plaque is there, which reads: “Rik Mayall. 1958-2014. Punched his friend in the balls on a bench near this spot.”
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