Last Updated or created 2022-08-17
For accessing the different components in computers you have to use the Address Bus.
In most 8 bits computers there are 16 address lines.
The CPU on a 6502 can access 65536 addresses (16 bit ). But most chips in the circuit have just a few address lines.
So the chip to use has to be selected using a CE (chip Enable) signal.
Old article i found on my fileserver from 1984
74 Series logic
Above example uses A15 combined with A14 to address the 16K ROM
When using a 32k rom in the upper part of the memory, a15 can be used as CE
The 74ALS133 is a widely used decoder due to it’s many inputs.
Sometimes not all address lines are used for decoding, then you will get a repetition of the device in the memory map.
Above 6522 VIA has only 4 address lines RS0-RS3. But 2 chipselect pins (CS).
If you connect the chip as below.
A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A09 A08 A07 A06 A05 A04 A03 A02 A01 A00
(NC - not connected, and CS2 is inverted!)
The chip would be selected when A15 is 1 and A14 is 0, A13-A04 it would not listen to. So its 4 bits addresses (total 16), would be repeated in a block $8000-$BFFF (10xx xxxx xxxx aaaa) 16384 addresses for 16 addresses on the 6522
Another simple solution to get a more precise address decoder without using a lot of components is using a ROM.
But this wil only work for low speeds!
A eeprom is relative cheap
With these devices you can “program” a schematic which works as above example’s of the 74 series. But now you can do it using only one component.
PALs and PLAs are fuse-programmed, some are erasable like (e)eprom.
Below a example of the code.
Most of the PAL/PLA/GAL are hard to get and obsolete
;PALASM Design Description ;---------------------------------- Declaration Segment ------------ TITLE pRAM PC_interface Address Decoder PATTERN pRAM97A.pds REVISION H AUTHOR Trevor Clarkson COMPANY EEE KCL DATE 30/05/97 CHIP decode PALCE20V8 ;---------------------------------- PIN Declarations --------------- PIN 1 AEN COMBINATORIAL ; INPUT PIN 2 A9 COMBINATORIAL ; INPUT PIN 3 A8 COMBINATORIAL ; INPUT PIN 4 A7 COMBINATORIAL ; INPUT PIN 5 A6 COMBINATORIAL ; INPUT PIN 6 A5 COMBINATORIAL ; INPUT PIN 7 A4 COMBINATORIAL ; INPUT PIN 8 A3 COMBINATORIAL ; INPUT PIN 9 A2 COMBINATORIAL ; INPUT PIN 10 A1 COMBINATORIAL ; INPUT PIN 11 IOW COMBINATORIAL ; INPUT PIN 12 GND PIN 13 IOR COMBINATORIAL ; INPUT PIN 14 ACK_HALT COMBINATORIAL ; INPUT PIN 15 PLS_EN COMBINATORIAL ; OUTPUT PIN 16 BRDW COMBINATORIAL ; OUTPUT PIN 17 MOD_CTRL COMBINATORIAL ; OUTPUT PIN 18 RAM_ACCESS COMBINATORIAL ; OUTPUT PIN 19 IO_16 COMBINATORIAL ; OUTPUT PIN 20 LATCH_MOD COMBINATORIAL ; OUTPUT PIN 21 LATCH_ADD COMBINATORIAL ; OUTPUT PIN 22 P300 COMBINATORIAL ; OUTPUT PIN 23 P300IN COMBINATORIAL ; INPUT PIN 24 VCC ;PC address decoding functions (not all in this PAL) ;uses latched address to provide low-order address lines to pRAM/RAM ; A3 A2 A1 R/W Addr Function ; 0 0 0 R 300 MFF_0 ; W not used ; 0 0 1 R 302 MFF_1 ; W not used ; 0 1 0 R 304 MFF_2 ; W not used ; 0 1 1 R 306 MFF_3 ; W Latch Module Number ; 1 0 0 R 308 PLS_Status (pRAM status) ; W PLS_Control (pRAM control) ; 1 0 1 R 30A Weight/Connection- ; W Pointer RAM access ; 1 1 0 R 30C not used ; W Latched RAM address ; 1 1 1 R 30E not used ; W pRAM_256 module control ; ; NB. IO_16 must be tri-stated when not in use ;----------------------------------- Boolean Equation Segment ------ EQUATIONS /P300 = A9*A8*/A7*/A6*/A5*/A4*/IOR + A9*A8*/A7*/A6*/A5*/A4*/IOW /BRDW = /P300IN * /IOW /PLS_EN = /P300IN*/A3*/IOR + /P300IN*A3*/A2*/A1 ; MOD_CTRL is active HIGH MOD_CTRL = ACK_HALT * /BRDW * A3 * A2 * A1 * /IOW ; RAM_ACCESS is active HIGH RAM_ACCESS = ACK_HALT * /P300IN * A3 * /A2 * A1 IO_16 = GND IO_16.TRST = /P300IN ; enable 16-bit transfers ; LATCH_MOD is active HIGH LATCH_MOD = /BRDW * /A3 * A2 * A1 ; LATCH_ADD is active HIGH LATCH_ADD = /BRDW * A3 * A2 * /A1 ;----------------------------------- Simulation Segment ------------ SIMULATION TRACE_ON A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 IOR /IOW /BRDW /PLS_EN MOD_CTRL RAM_ACCESS IO_16 LATCH_MOD LATCH_ADD ACK_HALT /P300 /P300IN SETF /A9 /A8 /A7 /A6 /A5 /A4 /A3 /A2 /A1 IOR IOW /ACK_HALT /P300IN SETF /IOW ; test P300 doesn't respond SETF IOW /IOR ; test P300 doesn't respond SETF IOR SETF A9 A8 /A7 /A6 /A5 /A4 /IOR /P300IN SETF A1 SETF A2 /A1 SETF A1 ; read mff0-3 SETF IOR /IOW ; test P300 and BRDW SETF /A3 A2 A1 ; test Latch Module No SETF IOW A3 A2 A1 ; MOD-CTRL not active until ACK_HALT SETF ACK_HALT /IOW SETF IOW /ACK_HALT SETF A3 /A2 A1 ; check RAM_ACCESS SETF ACK_HALT /IOW SETF /ACK_HALT IOW SETF ACK_HALT /IOR ; check READ and WRITE to RAM SETF IOR P300IN SETF /A3 A2 A1 SETF /ACK_HALT /P300IN SETF IOW SETF /A3 A2 A1 /IOW ; check LATCH_MOD SETF IOW SETF A3 A2 /A1 SETF /IOW ; check LATCH_ADD SETF /A3 /A2 /A1 ; shouldn't happen normally TRACE_OFF ;-------------------------------------------------------------------
Example FPGA code. A solution which is too fancy for my 6502.
// Verilog code for decoder // 5-input AND gate module AND_5_input(g,a,b,c,d,e); output g; input a,b,c,d,e; and #(50) and1(f1,a,b,c,d), and2(g,f1,e); endmodule // FPGA projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects // Verilog code for decoder // Decoder top level Verilog code using 5-input AND gates module dec5to32(Out,Adr); input [4:0] Adr; // Adr=Address of register output [31:0] Out; not #(50) Inv4(Nota, Adr[4]); not #(50) Inv3(Notb, Adr[3]); not #(50) Inv2(Notc, Adr[2]); not #(50) Inv1(Notd, Adr[1]); not #(50) Inv0(Note, Adr[0]); AND_5_input a0(Out[0], Nota,Notb,Notc,Notd,Note); // 00000 AND_5_input a1(Out[1], Nota,Notb,Notc,Notd,Adr[0]); // 00001 AND_5_input a2(Out[2], Nota,Notb,Notc,Adr[1],Note); //00010 AND_5_input a3(Out[3], Nota,Notb,Notc,Adr[1],Adr[0]); AND_5_input a4(Out[4], Nota,Notb,Adr[2],Notd,Note); AND_5_input a5(Out[5], Nota,Notb,Adr[2],Notd,Adr[0]); AND_5_input a6(Out[6], Nota,Notb,Adr[2],Adr[1],Note); AND_5_input a7(Out[7], Nota,Notb,Adr[2],Adr[1],Adr[0]); AND_5_input a8(Out[8], Nota,Adr[3],Notc,Notd,Note); AND_5_input a9(Out[9], Nota,Adr[3],Notc,Notd,Adr[0]); AND_5_input a10(Out[10], Nota,Adr[3],Notc,Adr[1],Note); AND_5_input a11(Out[11], Nota,Adr[3],Notc,Adr[1],Adr[0]); AND_5_input a12(Out[12], Nota,Adr[3],Adr[2],Notd,Note); AND_5_input a13(Out[13], Nota,Adr[3],Adr[2],Notd,Adr[0]); AND_5_input a14(Out[14], Nota,Adr[3],Adr[2],Adr[1],Note); AND_5_input a15(Out[15], Nota,Adr[3],Adr[2],Adr[1],Adr[0]); AND_5_input a16(Out[16], Adr[4],Notb,Notc,Notd,Note); AND_5_input a17(Out[17], Adr[4],Notb,Notc,Notd,Adr[0]); AND_5_input a18(Out[18], Adr[4],Notb,Notc,Adr[1],Note); AND_5_input a19(Out[19], Adr[4],Notb,Notc,Adr[1],Adr[0]); AND_5_input a20(Out[20], Adr[4],Notb,Adr[2],Notd,Note); AND_5_input a21(Out[21], Adr[4],Notb,Adr[2],Notd,Adr[0]); AND_5_input a22(Out[22], Adr[4],Notb,Adr[2],Adr[1],Note); AND_5_input a23(Out[23], Adr[4],Notb,Adr[2],Adr[1],Adr[0]); AND_5_input a24(Out[24], Adr[4],Adr[3],Notc,Notd,Note); AND_5_input a25(Out[25], Adr[4],Adr[3],Notc,Notd,Adr[0]); AND_5_input a26(Out[26], Adr[4],Adr[3],Notc,Adr[1],Note); AND_5_input a27(Out[27], Adr[4],Adr[3],Notc,Adr[1],Adr[0]); AND_5_input a28(Out[28], Adr[4],Adr[3],Adr[2],Notd,Note); AND_5_input a29(Out[29], Adr[4],Adr[3],Adr[2],Notd,Adr[0]); AND_5_input a30(Out[30], Adr[4],Adr[3],Adr[2],Adr[1],Note); AND_5_input a31(Out[31], Adr[4],Adr[3],Adr[2],Adr[1],Adr[0]); // 11111 endmodule
Example of Ice studio FPGA programming
For now i will use the 74 logic. But i definitely will revisit FPGA’s