Last Updated or created 2022-12-01
For a while i’ve been using the wireless shelly button for all kinds of notifications.
Most of the time i like to use it as a kind of alarm/need-help-now button.
The f*ckin’ awesome button i’m talking about (pictured above) is a small (45x45mm 16mm height) button, which can connect to your wifi and send MQTT messages.
It even has a strap thingy to attach it to your keychain,
Four types of messages:
- short press
- 2x short presses
- 3x short presses
- and long press
When using pushover, you can push alarm and messages to your android (even overriding mute/silent if you configure it that way!)
Configuring the button:
Configuring pushover:
My node red config:
Switch node
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