Last Updated or created 2023-02-28

Today i’ve migrated my DNS/DHCP to a Mikrotik router.
See post

I’m planning to replace my main firewall/dhcp/dns/web/irc/mail/ids whatever more .. to virtual machines and a mikrotik router.

Having used bind and isc-dhcp-server for many years, i had to try some alternatives.

  • DNS in FreeIPA
  • Unbound with zone/dns
  • Phpipam with powerdns

And now DNS/DHCP in a Mikrotik router!

I still use Phpipam as cmdb.
So i’m planning to use ansible to synchronize phpipam and the mikrotik.

Nice .. no seach domain needed …
nslookup webserver, resolves webserver.dmz
If there are 2 hosts with the same hostname, you have to add a domain.

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