Mikrotik todo

Last Updated or created 2023-05-15

My work document for my Mikrotiks
(Also for my friend Vincent, with a similar setup.)

I’m going to collect information on this page for below changes.


  • Access list connections only
  • Default forward – only certain clients
  • Guest network – better setup.
    I’ve got a folkband guest network right now and
    a captive portal AP on my internet router. (Outside my network)
    This is for colleagues of Coline.
  • Vlan for certain clients


  • Network routing
  • Security


Move all clients to own vlan
New or better VLAN setup

  • Redo Guest network
  • IOT Vlan
  • Manage Vlan better setup
  • Lab – a redo because of changes in DMZ


YT : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hqu8JlieSq4

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