Last Updated or created 2023-08-02
Adding a picture:
Most used is loading a koala picture.
Never done it like this before, luckily loads of retro lovers are posting code examples.
There are a lot of tools now available on PC. (Windows and Linux)
Acme : compiler i’ve used for this example
Retropixels : converting jpg into koala
Exomizer : packing/compressing the C64 prg (16k to 5.4k)
Sidreloc : relocator for SID files.
Exomizer command with effect:
(NOTE on linux you have to use single qoutes!)
retropixels -r 64 --format prg bottom.jpg ; for a prg (not used) retropixels bottom.jpg ; for a koala picture exomizer sfx 0x080d bottom.prg -x 'lda $fb eor #$01 sta $fb beq skip dec $d020 inc $d020 skip:' # 0x080d is the starting address
!to "bottomsm.prg",cbm ; start prg * = $0801 ; header for sys auto start !byte $0b, $08, $00, $00, $9e, $32, $30, $36, $31, $00, $00, $00 PICTURE = $2000 BITMAP = PICTURE VIDEO = PICTURE+$1f40 COLOR = PICTURE+$2328 BACKGROUND = PICTURE+$2710 * = $080d sei lda #<irq ldx #>irq sta $314 stx $315 lda #$1b ldx #$00 ldy #$7f sta $d011 stx $d012 sty $dc0d lda #$01 sta $d01a sta $d019 ; ACK any raster IRQs lda #$00 jsr $1000 ; Call music lda #$00 sta $d020 ; Border Color lda BACKGROUND sta $d021 ; Screen Color ; Transfer Video and Color ldx #$00 .LOOP ; Transfers video data lda VIDEO,x sta $0400,x lda VIDEO+$100,x sta $0500,x lda VIDEO+$200,x sta $0600,x lda VIDEO+$2e8,x sta $06e8,x ; Transfers color data lda COLOR,x sta $d800,x lda COLOR+$100,x sta $d900,x lda COLOR+$200,x sta $da00,x lda COLOR+$2e8,x sta $dae8,x inx bne .LOOP ; Bitmap Mode On lda #$3b sta $d011 ; MultiColor On lda #$d8 sta $d016 ; When bitmap adress is $2000 ; Screen at $0400 ; Value of $d018 is $18 lda #$18 sta $d018 cli .MYLOOP jmp .MYLOOP irq lda #$01 sta $d019 ; ACK any raster IRQs jsr $1003 ;Play the music jmp $ea31 ; Data parts with headers cut * = $1000 !binary "bottom1000.sid" ,, $7c+2 * = PICTURE !binary "bottom.kla",,2