Last Updated or created 2023-10-05
While watching a online python course, I was writing the code for a music guessing game (Highland Bagpipe Tunes)
The core is working, now it’s a matter of filling this “pruts” with tunes.
Switching between python, php, bash and C is a nightmare 🙂
Then the postman came .. with goodies.
I needed the MAX9814 analog microphone with amplifier, all of my other sensors were not up to the task.
So I switched to this WIP with the MAX9814.
I want to make a little gadget using an Arduino and 9 leds, which uses FFT to blink which note I am playing on my Highland Pipes.
So detecting is working, now I have to attach a bunch of leds.
Next thing I did today:
Getting my waveshare RP-2040 Zero working with micropython.
Great the little NeoPixel Led on the board.
Steps to get this working:
- Install Thonny
- Connect the rp2040 via USB with the boot button pressed
- place RPI_pico.xxxx.uf2 on the mounted usb disk, it will reboot
- Run Thonny connect and run a test program
Want to run program @boot ?
save -> to device, and call