Last Updated or created 2023-10-26
- Download firmware from here (uf2 file)
(Make sure you use W version if you have a pico-w) - Press bootsel and plug your pico into an usb port.
- A folder should be accessible
- cp RPI_PICO_W-20231005-v1.21.0.uf2 /media/$USER/RPI-RP2/
(pico reboots and installs firmware)
Install and start Thonny.
Tools > Options > Interpreter
Python test code (1 second blink)
Note: for the normal pico without Wi-Fi, it is GP25 instead of LED.
from machine import Pin import utime led_onboard = Pin('LED', Pin.OUT) while True: led_onboard.on() utime.sleep(1) utime.sleep(1)
Run at boottime?
File > save as:
Select device and name the python script