Last Updated or created 2024-02-25
UPDATE: 20240225
I’ve written about General Instrument AY-3-8910 before, here is some work I did today.
This sound chip i wanted to implement in my amiga, and now it’s a alternative for my 6502 computer. ( As an alternative setup for the SID chip. )
Btw this is the same kind of chip used in the Atari ST.
Above a Kicad drawing I made today, a little different from my design from the 90’s.
Below a movie clip I recorded today. Running a test setup using an Arduino nano and a sdcard reader.
The sound is bad, this is due to clipping and the absence of multiple resistors and capacitors.
Music is a register dump from a YM music file.
Amplifier is a bare LM386.
UPDATE: 20240225
I don’t like tying those three outputs together, and amplifying those.
So I’m going to use a LM324 i’ve got left from my 8085 interface, and make a 3-channel amplifier.
Something like this