Last Updated or created 2024-02-21
I was working on a MCUME proof of concept, with my own compiled version.
But my combination of a Pico and an ILI9341 display didn’t work.
Luckily, a package arrived.
My new scope!
A Rigol DS1074Z+ oscilloscope!
The replacement of my CRT version.
This new oscilloscope has 4 channels AND there is a add-on for a 16channel logic analyser.
The Rigol can be connected to a wired network.
So that’s one of the first things I did.
(It came with all software options enabled, so no need to ‘fix’ those)
Using the ISCP protocol, you can remotely control the device.
( see my Onkyo web hack )
See for commands.
So I created a capture script using bash # ./ fft echo ':display:data?' | netcat -w 20 my-rigol-static-ip 5555 | tail -c +12 > $1.bmp
Below a screen of DSremote
But back to the problem:
My SPI setup didn’t work, display broken?
Lets try a micropython setup.
Nope, the display is fine, my compiled version is borked.
See protocol decode in above gallery, so I have to check my sources:(