Last Updated or created 2024-03-22
In the past, I made an overview of CDs I own, and which CDs I was missing from my top artists.
Today I wanted to have a little test using above code and some additional script to get a little website which enables me to quick start playing an album using LMS.
Exporting the album database in Linux:
sqlite3 /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/library.db ".dump albums" > /mnt/www/albums-test.dump grep -i culture /mnt/private/albums INSERT INTO "albums" VALUES(16872,'Bothy Culture','BOTHY CULTURE','BOTHY CULTURE',NULL,0,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,18957,NULL);
So, 16872 is the needed album ID.
To start playing this (adhoc), I used the below command.
curl "http://IP-OF-MY-LMS-SERVER:9000/anyurl?p0=playlistcontrol&p1=album_id:16872&p2=cmd:load&player=12:23:34:45:56:67"
Player=12:23:34:45:56:67 is the mac address from a squeezebox player.
I wrote some additional PHP code in my original CD Cover site, and got this working.
I think I will rewrite the code using python to get a more flexible generator.