Last Updated or created 2024-08-30
I bought a hardcopy of a book I used to design my 68000 computer.
In the US 130 dollars, in UK 8 pounds. (895 pages) (1992)
Search in pdf, flip through pages in hardcopy book!
New 3D printer
1956 days ago I’ve bought my previous printer. Time for a new one.
This one is very good in quality prints, but it is scary cloud connected by default. (And Chinese company)
See stuff like
So, LAN mode only.
And firewalled to internet.
Lets look at the Linux Bambu Lab source!
## Interesting src/slic3r/GUI/MediaPlayCtrl.cpp: url = "bambu:///rtsps___" + m_lan_user + ":" + m_lan_passwd + "@" + m_lan_ip + "/streaming/live/1?proto=rtsps"; src/slic3r/GUI/MediaPlayCtrl.cpp: url = "bambu:///rtsp___" + m_lan_user + ":" + m_lan_passwd + "@" + m_lan_ip + "/streaming/live/1?proto=rtsp"; src/slic3r/GUI/MediaPlayCtrl.cpp: url = "bambu:///rtsps___" + m_lan_user + ":" + m_lan_passwd + "@" + m_lan_ip + "/streaming/live/1?proto=rtsps"; src/slic3r/GUI/MediaPlayCtrl.cpp: url = "bambu:///rtsp___" + m_lan_user + ":" + m_lan_passwd + "@" + m_lan_ip + "/streaming/live/1?proto=rtsp"; src/slic3r/GUI/MediaFilePanel.cpp: std::string url = "bambu:///local/" + m_lan_ip + ".?port=6000&user=" + m_lan_user + "&passwd=" + m_lan_passwd; src/slic3r/GUI/MediaPlayCtrl.cpp: m_lan_user = "bblp"; src/slic3r/GUI/MediaPlayCtrl.cpp: m_lan_passwd = "bblp"; # Code grep -iR code ~/.config/BambuStudio/*conf "user_access_code": { "01P00A4331XXXXX": "331XXXXX" # NMAP Host is up (0.0084s latency). Not shown: 998 closed ports PORT STATE SERVICE 990/tcp open ftps 6000/tcp open X11