Last Updated or created 2024-12-09
Running into some Ubuntu machines with keyboard mouse problems after upgrading to 24.04
apt get install xserver-xorg-input-synaptics apt get install xserver-xorg-input-all
3D printing some test models generated with AI from a photo to make some boardgame pieces.
Meanwhile, I am testing big motor controllers for a new client.
Last week I was at a friend’s place, time to make a launcher creator in bash
#!/bin/bash # if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then echo " name (path/bin) path/name" exit 1 fi cat << EOF > /tmp/$1 [Desktop Entry] Type=Application Terminal=false Name=$1 Icon=~/bin/icon/$1.png Exec=$2 $3 EOF cp /tmp/$1 ~/.local/share/applications/$1.desktop update-desktop-database
Made a cable holder in my lab (Already modded)
Can be folded upwards.
Did a lot of work in my new lab/workshop.
Got some cool new tools in. Post later
Also working on a new arrangement for a bagpipe tune.