All posts by fash

Server scripts notification for Home Assistant

I’m running loads of housekeeping scripts on my servers.

I thought it would be cool to see states in HA.


  • Log into your HA instance, and press your profile icon in the bottom left.
    Scroll to Long-lived access tokens, and create a new token.
    (Save the token string in a text file, you need it later)
  • Goto Settings > Devices & services > Helpers
    Create helper: Text and give it a name (bashnotification)
  • Next create a script in a path on your server, or place in an existing script directly.
    (Change SAVEDTOKENSTRING,HA-IP and bashnotification)
curl -s -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer SAVEDTOKENSTRING" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"state\": \"$1\"}" http://HA-IP:8123/api/states/input_text.bashnotification >/dev/null

I use it like this in a script

bashnotify "Starting this script"

bash commands bash commands 
bash commands 
bash commands bash commands bash commands 
bash commands bash commands 

bashnotify "Bash command finished"

Running an adhoc command

tar czvf /tmp/test.tgz /var/www/html ; bashnotify "tarball made of www"

Album player using old CD Cover site.

In the past, I made an overview of CDs I own, and which CDs I was missing from my top artists.

Today I wanted to have a little test using above code and some additional script to get a little website which enables me to quick start playing an album using LMS.

Exporting the album database in Linux:

sqlite3 /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/library.db ".dump albums" > /mnt/www/albums-test.dump

grep -i culture /mnt/private/albums

So, 16872 is the needed album ID.

To start playing this (adhoc), I used the below command.

curl "http://IP-OF-MY-LMS-SERVER:9000/anyurl?p0=playlistcontrol&p1=album_id:16872&p2=cmd:load&player=12:23:34:45:56:67"

Player=12:23:34:45:56:67 is the mac address from a squeezebox player.

I wrote some additional PHP code in my original CD Cover site, and got this working.

I think I will rewrite the code using python to get a more flexible generator.

Left the LMS player, right the cover website. (Clicking 3 covers to change albums)

Wifi tricks (public and limited networks)

(use your own discretion/risk)

When connecting to public Wi-Fi, watch what you are doing, it can be dangerous.
(Use a VPN whenever you can, like OpenVPN or Zerotier.)

But it also can be fun to have a look on those networks.

Sometimes there are IP camera’s you can find.
Use an App like Android TinyCam to scan for camera’s

I found at least 5 this way. Getting access, is something else.
One had access to RTSP without password. 🙂
But I found IP camera’s in the wild using a default password also.
(Just google for default passwords. Don’t know the brand of the device? Sometimes you can use the OUI (Organizationally Unique Identifier) part of the Mac Address to find the brand)

Other fun things to scan for are devices you can cast to!

At one time I was in Woerden, getting my Car fixed.
I started working on my Laptop using their guest Wi-Fi.
And checking out the network, I saw some TVs with Casting enabled.
Let’s Cast a Youtube video with a fireplace to it.
Next moment, the display behind the desks started playing the video.
The guys behind the desk were not facing the display.

I tried to revert my test, but I could not found/start the original cast stream.
I told them to get this fixed, and the network security.

Another idea is to scan for hidden camera’s in Hotels or B&Bs.
(There are more tricks to find these, like Flir/IR)

Some Hotels or B&B have a paid Wifi or a one device only policy.

Some tricks for that are:

Using a device which acts as an Access Point/Router.

I started using this trick with a Ravpower (RP-WD01)

I used this device to copy my Nikon photos to an external storage device.

I patched the OS on this Linux device.
Now it autocopied files from sdcard to usb-drive when inserted.

But it also could act as an AccessPoint.
Laptops/tablets and phones can connect using this hotspot.

After that I used a WD device in the same way.

After that I made a mini AP using a Raspberry PI.

When connecting with the first device which was a phone, I wanted to switch to an accesspoint.
So I spoofed the MAC address of the my AP, because it was mac-address locked in the B&B’s main access point.

Now it’s even easier, current mobile phone’s have dual Wi-Fi interfaces.
Connecting to an AP and at the same time setting up a hotspot is a breeze.
(Not that this is needed any more, Wi-Fi is not limited to one device any more. And mobile internet is almost everywhere)

Some access points still require payment, or you don’t know the password.

Some tricks below (use wisely):

Access point with a captive portal:
These are not protected initially.
But you have to enter a username/password to gain access to the internet.

  1. Try to start a VPN client (without logging into the captive portal)
    Sometimes those ports are not blocked.
    (Even more change to use UDP instead of TCP, try zerotier)
  2. Sometimes only DNS works though those AP’s.
    Then you could use a DNS tunnel. This is a method to embed your network traffic in DNS packages. (Note: you have to make your own DNS tunnel server!)
  3. Copy the Captive Portal website, write some logging code. And start AP using the same SSID you want the credentials for.
    Get close to someone using the real AP, so they try to log into your fake AP, using their credentials.
    (This is also illegal, and I won’t post code to do this.)

Leather straps for a painting easel

Doing a project using leather is something I do not often enough.
So I’m always looking for new ideas/projects.

This weekend, I made some straps for portable painting easels.
Keeping the poles of the tripod together with multiple straps and a longer leather strip allows for easy carrying on your back.

A simple project, I need some challenge next time!

My leather strip cutter I made in 2011.

Amiga Action Replay

A long time ago I had an Action Replay II.

I modded it and was planning to rebuild this using pluggable eurocard-prints.
Then it got lost, somewhere.

Today I went to Almelo with Tyrone.
In the morning reverse engineering a lift controller print, and afternoon going to a guy selling a lot of Retro stuff.

And there it was, an Action Replay II for Amiga just catching dust.

I had to buy it, and got a sh*tload of 27256 Eproms for free!

Action Replay Mk I

This version is compatible with the A500/A1000 version only. It also plugs into the side expansion port. It introduces the following features:

1.0 Version

  • Shows and modifies registers (even read-only ones) and memory contents.
  • Trainer maker.
  • M68000 assembler / disassembler.
  • Copper assembler / disassembler.
  • Sprite editor.
  • Virus detector.
  • Picture / music (tracker format) / sample ripper.
  • Save computer memory (freezed programs) to disk.
  • Shows computer status (disk parameters, ChipRAM, FastRAM…).

Features added to the 1.5 Version

  • Mempeeker.
  • Ability to save freezed programs to RAM.
  • RAM testing.
  • Illegal opcode – jumps to freezer mode.

Action Replay Mk II

A special A2000 version is available for this particular revision. Instead of plugging into the side expansion port it plugs into the 86 pin CPU slot.

Features added since MK 1.5 version

  • Boot selector.
  • Picture editor.
  • Sound tracker.
  • Turbo fire manager (separately for both joysticks).
  • Disk encoder.
  • Start menu.
  • Disk monitor.
  • Integrated DOS commands (Dir, Format,…).
  • Diskcopy.
  • 80 characters display with two-way scrolling.
  • Calculator.
  • Notepad.
  • Memory and drive switch (enabling / disabling).
  • Music ripper now finds all tracker formats (SoundTracker, NoiseTracker, other formats with 32 samples).
  • Ripped music / pictures are saved in IFF format.

Schedule auto backup and rsc files from a Mikrotik using FTP

Schedule below script after changing the first few lines

### Set local variables. Change the value between "" to reflect your environment. Do not delete quotation marks. 
:local ftpserver "ftpserver"
:local username "ftpuser"
:local password "ftppass"
:local ftppath "mikrotik/hapac2"

:local hostname [/system identity get name]
:local localfilename "$hostname-Backup-Daily";
:global thisdate [/system clock get date]
:global thistime [/system clock get time]
:global date ([:pick $thisdate 0 10])
:local remotebackup ([/system identity get name]."-".$date.".backup")
:local remotersc ([/system identity get name]."-".$date.".rsc")

### Create backup file and export the config.
export compact file="$localfilename"
/system backup save name="$localfilename"
:log info "Backup Created Successfully"

### Upload config file to FTP server.
/tool fetch address=$ftpserver src-path="$localfilename.backup" \
user=$username mode=ftp password=$password \
dst-path=($ftppath."/".$remotebackup) upload=yes
:log info "Config Uploaded Successfully"

### Upload backup file to FTP server.
/tool fetch address=$ftpserver src-path="$localfilename.rsc" \
user=$username mode=ftp password=$password \
dst-path=($ftppath."/".$remotersc) upload=yes
:log info "Backup Uploaded Successfully"

Files are written on the FTP server like this:


C64Pico Follow-up

Soldering almost done, except for the space bar all tactile buttons in place.

Using my USBasp programmer I tried to program the Atmega328pb.

Same one I used for:

I first needed to implement some udev rules to get the rights for the reader correct.

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="16c0", ATTRS{idProduct}=="05dc", GROUP="dialout"

Next I tried to burn a bootloader.

Well, not as planned, back to the drawing board.

Hopefully I compiled at least the Pico part correctly.

Mikrotik fix corrupt update.

Mikrotik is in netboot mode only, not accessible using winbox/web or IP.
(This is one of my smaller AP’s)

Below the log from my DHCP server

Mar 12 23:30:43 shibari dhcpd[3559351]: BOOTREQUEST from c4:ad:34:aa:aa:39 via p1p1.10
Mar 12 23:30:43 shibari dhcpd[3559351]: BOOTREPLY on to c4:ad:34:aa:aa:39 via p1p1.10

Download netinstall (linux cli) from here:

Also the latest routeros, and in my case also wireless package for HAP2.
(There was a change in packaging, due to the limited size of the Hap2.)

Steps to take: Use a UTP cable to connect the hap to a pc or laptop.

config your ethernet to and make sure you change the default gateway to !
(Disable wifi)

Start below command

./netinstall -r -a routeros-7.14.1-arm.npk

Disconnect/connect power and uploading should start.

Here is the text from my console

root@zspot:/home/henri/Downloads/mt# route add default gw
root@zspot:/home/henri/Downloads/mt# route -n
Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface         UG    0      0        0 enp0s31f6   U     0      0        0 enp0s31f6   U     0      0        0 virbr0
root@zspot:/home/henri/Downloads/mt# ip a s
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    inet scope host lo
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 ::1/128 scope host 
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: enp0s31f6: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether e0:70:ea:53:b3:6e brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global enp0s31f6
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
3: wlp0s20f3: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state DOWN group default qlen 1000
    link/ether f4:4e:e3:91:27:24 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
4: virbr0: <NO-CARRIER,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state DOWN group default qlen 1000
    link/ether 52:54:00:b1:16:1a brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global virbr0
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
root@zspot:/home/henri/Downloads/mt# ./netinstall -r -a routeros-7.14.1-arm.npk 
Will reset config
Using server IP:
Starting PXE server
Waiting for RouterBOARD...
PXE client: C4:AD:34:AA:AA:39
Sending image: arm
Discovered RouterBOARD...
Sending package routeros-7.14.1-arm.npk ...
Ready for reboot...
Sent reboot command
See missing Wifi, upload Wifi package and reboot
Configure and enable your Wifi interfaces

Home Assistant Alarm with ESP Siren

I used to have a “professional” alarm system, but it was too limited.

But when making a new alarm system using Home Assistant I thought I could reuse some sensors and the very loud alarm.

Setting up the Alarm within HA was as described on the HA website.
I made a group for door and motion sensors.
Then I made groups for lighting and switches.

Now I can “ARM” the house.

  • Motion sensors like PIR and camera sensors are being used for detection.
  • Lights and sound will be turned on when motion is detected.
  • When arming the system, the siren mode of the camera’s is also turned on.
  • When intrusion is detected I get a pushover notification on my phone and watch.

The siren is about 4-5 Euro’s on Ali

Schematic of the wemos controller

(I don’t have a Siren Fritzing part .. hence the speaker)

Used mosfet is a N-Channel 30N06L, resistor is 10K

ESPHome code

  name: bigalarm
  friendly_name: BigAlarm

  board: d1_mini

# Enable logging

# Enable Home Assistant API
    key: "1xxfIYKv6tpzt7HQKYOxxxxxxxxTBETHkmy7cwDE="

  password: "5d23a3af438fe0xxxxxxxx2ff29ab6"

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "Bigalarm Fallback Hotspot"
    password: "6muixxxxxoA"


  - platform: gpio
    pin: 0
    id: 'generic_out'
  - platform: output
    name: "BigAlarm"
    output: 'generic_out'

Started working on C64Pico with Bigred

A week ago I got the last components delivered to my doorstep.

This project was made by Silvervest and it’s f*ckin awesome.

I was afraid to start this myself, SMD is on another level for me.
But my good friend Marco said … No problem!

So I ordered components online, which was not easy.
Selecting the correct parts, sizes and options.

These things are really really small

Using tweezers to place the components was even difficult.
The slippery tiny bastard got catapulted everywhere. (Or got stuck on fingers, soldering iron and alike)
Many small components got lost into the 7th dimension. Never to be found again.

Awesome to work on this together, but Marco said that I have to try it myself.
Welllll, I got 3/4 of the ATmega328PB-A perfectly soldered, then I notished that it was crooked.
Desoldering was a mess, and I heated the PCB TOO much with the heatgun.

My messed-up PCB, and f*cked-up IC. Leave it to the professionals.

Next step for me is soldering the 75 mini buttons!

Got a Trinitron display from him, I was looking for this for a long time.