Tag Archives: database

Nextcloud Notes

(Old and new notes, i will keep adding info)

A install step stopped .. find a .step file and remove this

[nginx@nextcloud nextcloud]$ rm /mnt/fileserver/updater-ocv0dxmv6vpg/.step

Login page loop: directory rights wrong

This server was running nginx
drwxrwx---.  2 root apache     6 Jan  3 18:19 wsdlcache
drwxrwx---.  2 root apache 16384 Jan  3 18:19 session
drwxrwx---.  2 root apache     6 Jan  3 18:19 opcache

fixed with:
chown root:nginx /var/lib/php/session 
chown root:nginx /var/lib/php/opcache
chown root:nginx /var/lib/php/wsdlcache

Other things to check (Generic)

  • Really slow storage can cause problems, check with iotop
  • Check selinux! (temporary test with : setenforce 0 )
  • Behind a reverse proxy? remove these options in your config.php and check a local connection. This is a test for: reverseproxy, firewall and proxy settings in config.php. Need to test a localhost connection with your browser?
    ssh -L8080:localhost:80 nextcloudserver (and connect to http://localhost:8080 with your browser
  • Check your services! .. memcache, nginx, apache, mysql/mariadb
  • Check logs: journalctl -f, tail -f /var/log/nginx/*log /x/y/z/netcloud.log
  • Storage on a remote server? (Using NFS for example) Check your rights
    • change into your webserver account and test access to files.storage
      ( sudo su – nginx -s /bin/bash )

Migrating users to a complete new nextcloud instance keeping IDs

Get a list of users

su - apache -s /bin/bash  -c " source /opt/rh/rh-php72/enable; cd /var/www/html/nextcloud ;./occ user:list 2>/dev/null | grep -v admin ; exit" > listofusers

Sync and check users
Rsync data and use occ command to scan files into database

cd /root
#set -x
./getlistusers > userlistsvr1
cat userlistsvr1 > /tmp/$templist
cat userlistsvr2.new >> /tmp/$templist
cat /tmp/$templist | cut -f2 -d: | sort  | uniq -c | grep " 2 " | cut -c 10- > /tmp/deze.$$
cat /tmp/deze.$$ | while read ; do
	echo "User $REPLY"
	old=$(cat userlistsvr2 | grep "$REPLY" | awk '{ print $2 }' | sed s/://g)
	new=$(cat userlistsvr1 | grep "$REPLY" | awk '{ print $2 }' | sed s/://g)
	test -d /var/data/owncloud/data/$old/files/ && oldtest=1
	test -d /var/data/owncloud/nextcloud/$new/files/ && newtest=1
	if [ $oldtest -eq 1 ] ; then echo " found old dir - $old" ; fi
	if [ $newtest -eq 1 ] ; then echo " found new dir - $new" ; fi
	if [ $oldtest -eq 1 ] && [ $newtest -eq 1 ] ; then echo "  both found - ready to sync" 
		rsync -va /var/data/owncloud/data/$old/files/ /var/data/owncloud/nextcloud/$new/files/
		echo " RUN occ files:scan $new ############################"
		su - apache -s /bin/bash  -c " source /opt/rh/rh-php72/enable; cd /var/www/html/nextcloud ;./occ files:scan $new"
	echo " "
rsync -va  /var/data/owncloud/data/root/files/xyz/ /var/data/owncloud/nextcloud/38842e24-5d0d-11e9-dbdb-0001a4ab950f/files/
su - apache -s /bin/bash  -c " source /opt/rh/rh-php72/enable; cd /var/www/html/nextcloud ;./occ files:scan 38842e24-5d0d-11e9-dbdb-0001a4ab950f"