Last Updated or created 2024-04-15
Old ones
- Ericsson PF768?
- One in between ?? with fancy wood cover
- Nokia 7110 (Symbian)
- Nokia 7650 (Symbian 6)
- Nokia 6630 (Symbian 8)

Playing around with these i made a :
- MMS server
- Wap server
- SMS gateway
- Netsaint ( pre check_mk/icinga/nagios ) web thingy
- G1 – First android phone (2009)
- HTC Desire Z (2011)
- Nexus (2013)
- OnePlusOne (2015)
- Realme (2019)

Work phones
- ??
- Iphone for work ( stopped using this crap )
- (funny story, got more for cheap to embed in my flightsim dash)
- Sony Xperia XZ for work
- Multiple sharps
- Xircom Rex
- Sharp Zaurus SL-5500 (Linux)
- Nokia 770

Organizing programs
- Hyper (dos) – hyplus.exe (1989)
- Twiki/Foswiki
- Google docs
- Joplin (Current)