Last Updated or created 2023-07-18
I’ve took it offline, maybe someone wants the source code and database.
It was much fun, time to move on.
UPDATE: 20230228 – It is online again.
(I’ve got some mails and mentions in music forums)
At least i’ve got some nice reactions
I’ve create my own bww/bwm to parsons code convertor.
Rest of the website is php, mysql … first one started in 2001 using php3, until php7.

PARSONS CODE: OMG, you don’t know how long I have been waiting for a search engine to find tunes in my head. I thought about creating some kind of dictionary based on theme notes, or searching through bww files for sequences. What a thrill to find your site. I just hum a tune, use the up, down, repeat letters and… like magic the title is found. You are a genius. I will never be stumped for a title again. Thanks so much, John
Other successes i’ve heard of are: 2 Youtube movies being identified, a nameless bww file and mp3’s
Mail from Dave: Hiya My name is Dave Mason. I put a few tunes together a few years ago called "Tummle Yer Wilkies" which, I see, gets mention on your website. However, I see that you're not sure where people can access the tunes. Well, the book is free to download from and I hope to have volume 2, "Tummle Yer Wilkies Too!" uploaded in the near future. Cheers Dave Mason Geneva, Switzerland. NEW - Palm version by Andreas Joebges (updated) Added stuff changed software Added parts in booklist and search. Additions to Many additions by: Chris MacKnight Palm version by Andreas Joebges Added index send by : Henning sat 14 feb: Installed DB on macbumm's site sun 15 feb: Made some changes, limit search and layout Removed own collections from DB Expanded statspage with jig/hornp/march/etc. mon 16 feb: Imported College of Piping index i got from Ralf .. (thanks!) Imported Irish Tunes for Warpipe Added Log, Fixed Members Login for edit purposes tue 17 feb: Layout, testing new functions wed 18 feb: Imported Bagpipe Music - John MacFadyen thu 19 feb: Uploaded some Book Covers, programmed a export-to-xls function, so you can use the DB data yourself (bottom of booklist pages) Imported Gordon Highlanders Vol 1 sat 21 feb: Fixed m?c and l*ken search Imported Gordon Highlanders Vol 2 Added AKA search Old search request stays in search field Added some covers code cleanup mon 23 feb: Fixed bookcover popup Imported Mark Saul Vol I Uploaded Mark Saul Cover II and changed faulty cover other Vol Bookinfo added ISBN, Price, etc. Suggestion i got by Email Uploaded Queens Own Highlanders The Pipers Day Imported Seaforth Highlanders - Standard Settings thu 26 feb: DB cleanup Added Code Imported Donald MacLeod vol 1 2 and 4 fri 27 feb: 1st editor assigned - Henny Barnhoorn sat 28 feb: Imported Vol 5 and 6 Donald MacLeod sun 29 feb: CD Information added 2nd editor - Coline Gerritsen mon 01 feb: Added CDs .. Thanks Coline Gordon Highlanders Book 1 checked/added/etc. by Henny .. thanks CD displaying code changed Imported Robert Mathieson Book 4 (now over 4000 tunes in DB!) fri 05 mar: Added CDs Altered ShowCD Code sun 07 mar: Imported some books (NOW 50!) Henny Completed reediting Gordon Highlanders Vol2 Add MP3 clip code in cdinfo mon 08 mar: Imported book Fixed image caching for faulty browsers Search finds composers also Fixed Menu structure Added Templates tue 09 mar: Added link under advanced search - find ALL harmonies. :) wed 10 mar: Added book with cover + MP3 sample thu 11 mar: Imported Piob. CD Added edit icon help fri 12 mar: Find tunes on CD in beta test .. :) (click search -> advanced .. enter a keyword, mark the media checkbox and click search .. CDs found at bottom of page .. :) sat 13 mar: Imported another filled-in cd-template :) Added some covers wed 17 mar: Added 15 Piobaireachd Society Volumes sat 20 mar: Added 3 CD's tue 23 mar: Added several books (5166 tunes now!) Thanks John thu 25 mar: Changed code, checked book, imported book tue 30 mar: Uploaded covers, edited book (Murray Blairs) and added books till tue 06 apr: Uploaded Covers, Added books, Changed code till sat 17 apr: Imported some books, added parts to export-excell (will be in search later) Henny checked/edited some books tue 20 apr: Imported books, testing query caching for speed improvement. (yes getting kindda large .. this thingy) thu 22 apr: 100! BOOKs! --missing log-- Added book, covers e.t.c. sun 11 jul: Added Battlefield Book (thanx Markus) mon 11 jan: Added 2 books (thanx again Markus)
- 159 Books
- 9868 Tunes
- 1047 Air’s
- 1315 Jigs
- 638 Hornpipes
- 3352 Marches
- 489 Piob’s
- 1586 Reels
- 844 Strathspeys