Last Updated or created 2023-11-03
In 2020 i made a Biltong drying thingy, using a Nextion and a Arduino.
Today i’m preparing for some Chilli Biltong, which i’m going to put in the drying box tomorrow.
Arduino functionality
- Heating light
- Temperature / Humidity
- Air flow
- MQTT to home automation
- Nextion Display
1 kg Beef Cut into 1.5cm - 2cm steak slices
2 tbsp black pepper coarsely ground.
2 tbsp course Sea Salt
1/2 tbsp smoked paprika
4 tbsp coriander seeds roasted and coarsely ground.
1 tbsp chili flakes
50 ml worcestershire sauce
100 ml apple vinegar
1 tbsp tabasco sauce

Script – get images from Reolink cam
while true; do
wget "http://ip.number.or.hostname/cgi-bin/api.cgi?cmd=Snap&channel=0&rs=123asd&user=admin&password=MYSECRETPASS" -O $(date +%Y%m%d%H%M).jpg
sleep 60
Script to generate MP4 (60fps)
cat *.jpg | ffmpeg -f image2pipe -r 60 -vcodec mjpeg -i - -vcodec libx264 out.mp4