Last Updated or created 2022-04-30
Got a working amiga again. \o/ woot
Needed to replace Paula chip, cleaning and some TLC.
Scart cable i’ve got is one without the resistors, so my monitor isn’t detecting the signal.
Using a A520 modulator works. At least RF, don’t know why RCA/composite video isn’t working.
Even a memory expansion and second drive (5.24 inch) are working.
To do:
- Fix something to get disk images from and to my pc.
(My old catweasel card only fits in a ISA slot which i don’t have any more)- I was wrong .. i’ve got a IV Catweasel .. PCI it is
- Fix scart
- Fix my Action Replay, which i soldered into a non working state apparently .. 🙂
- Get a better mouse!

Disks to convert:
- Personal text files from ages ago
- My first seka demo
- My oscillator drawing program
- Other assembly source files
Got another one running today also:

9″ screen, 640K memory, 8086 Cpu