Last Updated or created 2022-11-08
UPDATE 20221108

There are some duplicate characters, the input device below does not have a proper debounce method.
No need to fix the debounce, the dipswitches are temporary. This will be controlled by the VIA 6522 chip.
UPDATE 20221108 (Connected to second VIA)
PORTB = $5000 PORTA = $5001 DDRB = $5002 DDRA = $5003 clock = $e0 E = %10000000 RW = %01000000 RS = %00000000 .org $0200 reset: ldx #$ff txs lda #%11111111 ; Set all pins on port B to output sta DDRB lda #%10000000 ; Set top pin on port A to output sta DDRA lda #$00 ; reset bit sta PORTA sta clock ldx #0 print: lda message,x beq printborder jsr print_char inx jmp print loop: jmp loop message: .db 0x01,0x04,0x0C,0x0E,0x10,0x0F,0x08 .db 0x05,0x0a,0x0a .db 0x05,0x0b,0x0b .asc "Composite Video 6502 - 20221108" .db 0x0E,0x11,0x0F,0x0C .asciiz " With 2 pixels " waitloop: pha tya pha ldy #$ff back: dey bne back pla tay pla rts print_char: sta PORTB jsr waitloop jsr waitloop lda clock eor #%10000000 sta clock sta PORTA jsr waitloop lda clock eor #%10000000 sta PORTA jsr waitloop rts
Control codes as from :
Video display control codes:
Hex (Decimal) and meaning
01 (01) - Cursor home (Standard ASCII)
02 (02) - Define cursor character (2nd byte is the curs character, or 00 to turn off) <--New for 3.0
03 (03) - Cursor blinking
04 (04) - Cursor solid
05 (05) - Set graphics pixel (next two bytes = x,y) <--New for 3.0
06 (06) - Reset graphics pixel (next two bytes = x,y) <--New for 3.0
08 (08) - Backspace (Standard ASCII)
09 (09) - Tab (Standard ASCII)
0A (11) - Linefeed (Standard ASCII)
0C (12) - Clear screen (Standard ASCII)
0D (13) - Carriage return (Standard ASCII)
0E (14) - Set column 0 to 79 (2nd byte is the column number) or 0 to 39 for a 40 char line
0F (16) - Set row 0 to 24 (2nd byte is the row number)
10 (16) - Delete start of line
11 (17) - Delete to end of line
12 (18) - Delete to start of screen
13 (19) - Delete to end of screen
14 (20) - Scroll up
15 (21) - Scroll down
16 (22) - Scroll left
17 (23) - Scroll right
18 (24) - Set font attribute for the current line (see elsewhere on this page for details) <--New for 3.0
1A (26) - Treat next byte as a character (to allow PC DOS char codes 1 to 31 to be displayed on screen)
1B (27) - ESC - reserved for ANSI sequences
1C (28) - Cursor right
1D (29) - Cursor Left
1E (30) - Cursor up
1F (31) - Cursor down
20 (32) to 7E (126) - Standard ASCII codes
7F (127) - Delete
80 (128) to FF (255) - PC (DOS) extended characters