Home Assistant/NodeRed update

Last Updated or created 2022-11-12

Upgraded the 2nd (Main) nodered machine to 3.0
Now the node-red-contrib-home-assistant-websocket nodes work again.

Also updated HA, and added some iframes using below.
The HA update broke my mqtt lighting due to changes in the code.

Below also in the example some iframe entries.
( When adding grafana, you need to change grafana.ini

allow_embedding = true

 broker: mqttbrokerserver <--- still errors on this part, 
 discovery: true   <--- but where to configure?
 light:                             <--- Moved this under mqtt
  - name: "KitchenOutside"          <--- added a dash
    payload_on: "99"
    payload_off: "0"
    unique_id: "KitchenOutside"
    brightness_scale: "99"
    brightness_state_topic: ha433/kitchenoutside/brightcontrol
    brightness_command_topic: ha433/kitchenoutside/brightcontrol
    state_topic: ha433/kitchenoutside/brightcontrol
    command_topic: ha433/kitchenoutside/control
    optimistic: false
    on_command_type: brightness

panel_iframe:                     <--- iframes added
    title: "NodeRed"
    url: "http://noderedserver:1880/"
    icon: si:nodered
    require_admin: true
    title: "Domoticz"
    url: "http://domoticzserver:8080/"
    icon: si:homeadvisor
    require_admin: true
    host: influxserver
    port: 8086
    database: homeassistant
    max_retries: 3
    default_measurement: state <--- changed this

HomeAssistant add long-lived access token:

  • Click you profile icon bottom right
  • Scroll all the way down and press create token


Add a HA node to a flow, double click and add a server with the little pencil

Base URL is important, you can’t just add http://internalip:port
Use a the URL configured in HA (config/network)

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