Last Updated or created 2023-02-14
Old files, own created stuff, downloaded stuff. Sometimes there are no viewers anymore, or you thrown devices away.
(I will add to this when i find more information)
These are the tools i’ve used to convert them to a newer format.
NOTE: Converting will always impact the quality
LBM (amiga)
ilbmtoppm < test.LBM | pnmtopng - > test.png
RAM (video files)
ffmpeg -i file.ram file.mp4 or ffmpeg -i file.ram file.gif
Own DVD’s
NOTE: VOB files are mpg, to keep same quality i use stream copy (-c copy) , besides mpg i´d like to have movies in a web streamable format like MP4, so i DO convert these
ffmpeg -i "concat:VTS_01_1.VOB|VTS_01_2.VOB|VTS_01_3.VOB" -f mpeg -c copy output.mpeg
.. and record with OBS
AMR ( Adaptive Multi-Rate audio codec )
ffmpeg -i folkband.amr -ar 22050 folkband.mp3
ffmpeg -i pipes.3gp -vcodec h264 -c:a aac pipes.mp4 If your 3gp is recent and has a x264 tag (check with mediainfo) then you can convert lossless with ffmpeg -i 10026202.3gp -c:v copy -c:a copy 10026202.mp4
QTVR (need to get a better solution for this)
I’ve used this for rendered scenes
ffmpeg -i ../ %02d.png ffmpeg -i %02d.png -vf "tile=1x24,transpose=1" qtvrmovie.png
ffmpeg -i filename.flv -c:v libx264 -crf 19 -strict experimental filename.mp4
WEBP (Not a old media format, but i dont like webp format.)
This script converts to images or animated gif depending on the number of frames
#!/bin/bash ls *webp | while read file; do duration=$(webpinfo -summary "$file" | grep Duration | head -1 | sed -e 's/.* \([0-9]*\)$/\1/') frames=$(webpinfo -summary "$file" | grep frames | head -1 | sed -e 's/.* \([0-9]*\)$/\1/') if [ "$duration" == "0" ] ; then duration=50 ;fi echo "DUR $duration : FRM $frames" dur=$( echo "$duration / 100" | bc ) if [ $frames == "1" ] ; then convert $file png/$file.jpg else for i in $(seq -f "%05g" 1 $frames) do webpmux -get frame $i $file -o $file.$i.webp dwebp $file.$i.webp -o $file.$i.png done fi convert $file.*.png -colorspace srgb +dither -delay $dur -loop 0 gif/$file.gif rm $file.[0-9]*.png *webp.[0-9]*.webp done