Last Updated or created 2023-10-23
Besides sending notifications and controlling my tv using bash, Nodered and HomeAssistant, i wanted to look at developing and homebrew for WebOS.
Goto the WebOS Dev website and register.
Install Developer App on your TV.
Login and write down your access information.
Below how to access you tv using ssh
wget http://IP_FROM_YOUR_TV:9991/webos_rsa mv webos_rsa .ssh/ chmod 600 .ssh/webos_rsa ssh -i .ssh/webos_rsa prisoner@ -p9922 -T Enter passphrase for key '.ssh/webos_rsa': Enter the key mentioned on the Developer App Screen on your TV Note the -T .. this disables pseudo terminals, You won't see a prompt, but commands work You can remove passphrases on ssh keys using below ssh-keygen -p -f .ssh/webos_rsa Enter old passphrase: Enter new passphrase (empty for no passphrase): Enter same passphrase again: Your identification has been saved with the new passphrase.
Download WebOS manager from here:
Install and use same ip/access key info to install homebrew
After that you can install homebrew apps using the App on your TV or via above dev-manager.
Also nice .. A ad-free version of Youtube!
By the way, I tried .. but that didn’t work for me.
My TV was already patched for that exploit