Last Updated or created 2024-03-11
I used to have a “professional” alarm system, but it was too limited.
But when making a new alarm system using Home Assistant I thought I could reuse some sensors and the very loud alarm.
Setting up the Alarm within HA was as described on the HA website.
I made a group for door and motion sensors.
Then I made groups for lighting and switches.
Now I can “ARM” the house.
- Motion sensors like PIR and camera sensors are being used for detection.
- Lights and sound will be turned on when motion is detected.
- When arming the system, the siren mode of the camera’s is also turned on.
- When intrusion is detected I get a pushover notification on my phone and watch.
The siren is about 4-5 Euro’s on Ali
Schematic of the wemos controller
Used mosfet is a N-Channel 30N06L, resistor is 10K
ESPHome code
esphome: name: bigalarm friendly_name: BigAlarm esp8266: board: d1_mini # Enable logging logger: # Enable Home Assistant API api: encryption: key: "1xxfIYKv6tpzt7HQKYOxxxxxxxxTBETHkmy7cwDE=" ota: password: "5d23a3af438fe0xxxxxxxx2ff29ab6" wifi: ssid: !secret wifi_ssid password: !secret wifi_password # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails ap: ssid: "Bigalarm Fallback Hotspot" password: "6muixxxxxoA" captive_portal: output: - platform: gpio pin: 0 id: 'generic_out' switch: - platform: output name: "BigAlarm" output: 'generic_out'