C64 code re-learning stuff

Last Updated or created 2024-05-08

Re-learning the little I knew (I never had a c64 as a kid).
Back to basics, welll machine code I mean.

Programming a little demo using acme.
Split screen bitmap and text mode plus sid music

Running a little demo in retrodebugger (missing the sid music in the recording)

Some useful commands

; Dump prg with offset 0x800 per byte and skip 00 00 lines
xxd -o 0x800 -g1 icecrew.prg | uniq -f10

; Write symbol list
acme -l icecrew.sym icecrew.asm

; png to kla (koala picture)
retropixels icecrew.png -o icecrew.kla

; relocate a sid address
sidreloc -r org.sid new.sid

Below code has some flaws:

Many empty gaps, creating a large file.
Exomizer could fix this, but better memory management should be the better solution.
The Koala file has many 0 bytes, the logo is small but the file is created for a full screen image.

Part of the program see $1000 of start of SID music

!cpu 6502
!to "icecrew1.prg",cbm

; Standard basic sys runner
basic_address   = $0801

; sid addresses
; address moved using 
; sidreloc -r Lameness_Since_1991.sid lame.sid
; addresses found using
;sidplay2 -v lame.sid 
;|   SIDPLAY - Music Player and C64 SID Chip Emulator   |
;|          Sidplay V2.0.9, Libsidplay V2.1.1           |
;| Title        : Lameness Since 1991                   |
;| Author       : Peter Siekmann (Devilock)             |
;| Released     : 2017 Oxyron                           |
;| File format  : PlaySID one-file format (PSID)        |
;| Filename(s)  : lame.sid                              |
;| Condition    : No errors                             |
;| Playlist     : 1/1 (tune 1/1[1])                     |
;| Song Speed   : 50 Hz VBI (PAL)                       |
;| Song Length  : UNKNOWN                               |
;| Addresses    : DRIVER = $1C00-$1CFF, INIT = $0FFF    |
;|              : LOAD   = $0FFF-$1B25, PLAY = $1003    |
;| SID Details  : Filter = Yes, Model = 8580            |
;| Environment  : Real C64                              |
sid_address     = $0fff
sid_play        = $1003
sid_init        = $0fff
; Character 
char_address    = $3800
screen_mem      = $4400
; Koala address
bitmap_address  = $6000
bitmap_data     = $7f40
bitmap_color    = $8328
bitmap_bgcolor  = $8710
program_address = $c000
color_mem       = $d800

reg_d011	= $D011
; VIC register
;Bit 7 (weight 128) is the most significant bit of the VIC's nine-bit raster register (see address 53266).
;Bit 6 controls extended color mode
;Bit 5 selects either the text screen ("0") or high resolution graphics ("1").
;Bit 4 controls whether the screen area is visible or not.
;Bit 3 selects 25 (when set to "1") or 24 (when set to "0") visible character lines on the text screen.
;Bit 0–2 is used for vertical pixel-by-pixel scrolling of the text or high resolution graphics.

; Rom routine to clear screen ( slow ! )
; Better to do this yourself
clear_screen     = $e544

* = sid_address
    !bin "lame.sid",,$7c+2

; standard charset
* = char_address
    !bin "charset.chr"

; drawn with gimp converted using retropixel
; retropixels icecrew.png -o icecrew.kla
* = bitmap_address
    !bin "icecrew.kla",,$02

; sys 49152
* = basic_address
    !byte $0d,$08,$dc,$07,$9e,$20,$34,$39,$31,$35,$32,$00,$00,$00

* = program_address
    ; init
    lda #$00
    jsr sid_init
    jsr clear_screen
    jsr load_bitmap
    jsr init_text
    ldy #$7f
    sty $dc0d
    sty $dd0d
    lda $dc0d
    lda $dd0d
    lda #$01
    sta $d01a
    lda reg_d011
    and #$7f
    sta reg_d011
; move interrupt vector to bitmap
    lda #<interruptbitmap
    ldx #>interruptbitmap
    sta $314    ; Low Address part IRQ vector
    stx $315    ; High Address part IQR vector
    ldy #$1b
    sty reg_d011
    lda #$7f
    sta $dc0d
    lda #$01
    sta $d01a
; trigger interrupt at rasterline 0
    lda #$00
    sta $d012
    jmp *

    inc $d019
; trigger interrupt at rasterline 128
    lda #$80
    sta $d012
    lda #<interrupttxt
    ldx #>interrupttxt
    sta $314
    stx $315
    jsr bitmap_mode
    jmp $ea81

; ack IRQ
    inc $d019
; IRQ at line 0
    lda #$00
    sta $d012
    lda #<interruptbitmap
    ldx #>interruptbitmap
    sta $314
    stx $315
    jsr text_mode
    jsr sid_play
    jmp $ea81

; bitmap graphics multicolor
    lda #$3b
    sta reg_d011
    lda #$18
    sta $d016
; switch to video bank 2 ($4000-$7FFF)
    lda $dd00
    and #$fc
    ora #$02
    sta $dd00
    lda #$18
    sta $d018

; set text mode hires
    lda #$1b
    sta reg_d011
    lda #$08
    sta $d016
; switch to video bank 1 ($0000-$3FFF)
    lda $dd00
    and #$fc
    ora #$03
    sta $dd00
; set charset location
; 7 * 2048 = $3800, set in bits 1-3 of $d018
    lda $d018
    ora #$0e
    sta $d018

    lda bitmap_bgcolor
    sta $d020
    sta $d021
    ldx #$00
; screen memory
    lda bitmap_data,x
    sta screen_mem,x
    lda bitmap_data+256,x
    sta screen_mem+256,x
    lda bitmap_data+512,x
    sta screen_mem+512,x
    lda bitmap_data+768,x
    sta screen_mem+768,x
; color memory
    lda bitmap_color,x
    sta color_mem,x
    lda bitmap_color+256,x
    sta color_mem+256,x
    lda bitmap_color+512,x
    sta color_mem+512,x
    lda bitmap_color+768,x
    sta color_mem+768,x
    bne copy_bmp

    ldx #$00
    lda text1,x
    sta $0400+520,x
    lda text2,x
    sta $0400+640,x
    lda text3,x
    sta $0400+640+120,x
    lda #$06
    sta color_mem+520,x
    lda #$0e
    sta color_mem+640,x
    lda #$0e
    sta color_mem+640+120,x
    cpx #$28
    bne copy_txt

    !scr  "     back to oldskool demos in 2024     "
    !scr  "   greetings to bigred & tyrone & edk   "
    !scr  "     a lot to relearn - keep coding!    "
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