Last Updated or created 2024-07-31
The 15th, we got in our car and drove to Denmark.
We went to Bornhack2024, a hackers camp.
Although there are bad hackers (black hat), the term hacker is being used to describe people who are using technology alternative or even hack food and drinks.
Create something new or improve. Mostly using computers, but think of it in a broad way.
Programming, 3D designing or printing. Learning new things.
We (me and my girlfriend) went with Bigred (and his girlfriend) and Tyrone. Both good old friends.
With Bigred I made a mini C64 Badge in the last few months.
With Tyrone I started coding 6502 Machine Language again.
(Planning to release a demo at X2025)

Stuff I did there:
- Programming demo parts (Sprite multiplexing, Music Sync)
- Made some demo graphics
- Programmed some shaders
- Circuit Python hacking on the Badges, no new one this year 🙁
- Soldering my Bus Manipulator
- Python to generate SIN tables (acme output)
!byte $CA,$FE,$BA,$BE - Coding 101 with Tyrone (Acme pipeline, Git and MircoPython on his MCH badge)
- Drank too much
- Slept too short
- Removing gallons of rain water from Tyrone’s tent.
After a week of hacking, we went for a short holiday in Denmark.
Visiting Viking Museums, Old cosy towns, WWII bunkers, the Beach and more.
Driving back to the Netherlands, we visited the only surviving VII-C U-boat in the world.
(Same as I 3D printed for the Uboot game)