Last Updated or created 2022-10-14
I’ve been using the dotty language for many things, this is a who is who displayer.
iptables rules displayer, open ports, gluster brinks/nodes. netstat ports.,
Wil post more about this later
apt-get install graphviz
View it on a website using mojozoom javascipt
demo :
dot file example (changed names to protect the innocent)
digraph G { size="960,960" graph [fontsize=16]; node [fontsize=16]; ericewc [shape=diamond] notoasat [shape=diamond] rwke [shape=diamond] prtsu [shape=diamond] wkmre [shape=diamond] hsocol [shape=diamond] stm [shape=diamond] scoisenr [shape=diamond] lpetg [shape=diamond] ptoi [shape=diamond] nrnag -> rean; rean -> grrdea; rean -> kmoina; nrnag -> aabrrba; aabrrba -> edide; aabrrba -> taamra; wkmre -> renei; renei -> ilem; cpb -> mttne; cpb -> mhyme; ghnhlaid -> hsanvk; hsanvk -> mray; ghnhlaid -> erbnete -> kene; erbnete -> ebnno; erbnete -> hsan; erbnete -> anek; nehri -> hetctur; nlicoe -> hetctur; ueoqnim -> hetctur; hetctur -> aisovwkrs; aisovwkrs -> amnroa; aisovwkrs -> gioud; aisovwkrs -> aulra; rwke -> lemtcu; lemtcu -> rhary; lemtcu -> gmc; prtsu -> ico; prtsu -> hloaa; nehri -> prtsu; }
Making the graphics
dot -Tsvg -obig.svg #gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dTextAlphaBits=4 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 -sDEVICE=png16m -sOutputFile=big.png convert big.svg big.png convert -resize 800x800 big.png bigsmall.png