Personal BWW music files search engine.

Last Updated or created 2024-03-07

I’ve a lot of bagpipe writer music files, many are the same tune but a little different.

find -type f | egrep -i "bww$|bmw$" | wc -l

Most contain information about composers, complete title, arrangements and information about harmony and seconds/thirds/whatever.

So I made a PHP search script and a BASH indexer.
(This is NOT a safe script to use servers with internet access)


Strict Search: <form method="post" action="?"><input type="Text" name="words" size=40 value=""><input type="Submit" name="submit" value="search"></form>
Fuzzy Search: <form method="post" action="?"><input type="Text" name="words2" size=40 value=""><input type="Submit" name="submit" value="search">Fuzzy-ness<input type="Text" name="words2key" size=1 value="3"></form>
Parsons Search: <form method="post" action="?"><input type="Text" name="words3" size=40 value=""><input type="Submit" name="submit" value="search">Fuzzy-ness<input type="Text" name="words2key" size=1 value="3"></form>

if ($_POST['words']) {
$words = preg_replace("(\r\n|\n|\r)", "", $_POST['words']); 
$words = preg_replace("/[^0-9a-z]/i",'', $words);
$command = "/bin/cat /var/www/html/findbww/bww.list |/bin/grep -i $words | sed 's/*\w\+//' | sed 's/\\/private\\/Private\\/Henri\\/save\\/move\\/cds-uitzoeken\\///g' ";
$blah=str_replace("$words", "<b><font color=red>$words</font></b>",$blah);
print $blah;
if ($_POST['words2']) {
$words = preg_replace("(\r\n|\n|\r)", "", $words); 
$words = preg_replace("/[^0-9a-z]/i",'', $words);
$command = "/bin/cat /var/www/html/findbww/bww.list |/usr/bin/agrep -$words2key -i $words | sed 's/*\w\+//' |  sed 's/\\/private\\/Private\\/Henri\\/save\\/move\\/cds-uitzoeken\\///g'";
$blah=str_replace("$words", "<b><font color=red>$words</font></b>",$blah);
print $blah;
if ($_POST['words3']) {
$words = preg_replace("(\r\n|\n|\r)", "", $words); 
$words = preg_replace("/[^0-9a-z]/i",'', $words);
$command = "/bin/cat /var/www/html/findbww/bww.list.parsons |/usr/bin/agrep -$words2key -i $words | sed 's/*\w\+//' |  sed 's/\\/private\\/Private\\/Henri\\/save\\/move\\/cds-uitzoeken\\///g'";
$blah=str_replace("$words", "<b><font color=red>$words</font></b>",$blah);
print $blah;

Bash indexer (uses agrep)

[ `find /FULLPATH/Music/Bagpipe-music-writer/ -type f  | wc -l` -eq 0 ] && exit
cd /var/www/html/findbww
: > bww.list
: > bww.list.parsons
locate -i bww |  egrep -i "\.bww$" |grep -v html.bww|  while read tunepath; do
tune=$(basename "$tunepath")
keywords=$(cat "$tunepath" |  egrep -vi "FontSizes|FrequencyMappings|GracenoteDurations|InstrumentMappings|MIDINoteMappings|TuneFormat|VariationTempo|TuneTempo|Bagpipe Reader" | awk -F',\\(' '{ print $1 }' 
| grep -v \"\" | grep -v ^! | grep -v "Converted from" | grep ^\" |tr '\n' ','| tr -d "\015")
parsons=$(./parsons "$tunepath")
echo "$tunepath,$tune,$keywords" >> bww.list
echo "$tunepath,$parsons" >> bww.list.parsons

locate -i bwm |  egrep -i "\.bwm$" |grep -v html.bwm|  while read tunepath; do
tune=$(basename "$tunepath")
keywords=$(cat "$tunepath" |  egrep -vi "FontSizes|FrequencyMappings|GracenoteDurations|InstrumentMappings|MIDINoteMappings|TuneFormat|VariationTempo|TuneTempo|Bagpipe Reader" | awk -F',\\(' '{ print $1 }' 
| grep -v \"\" | grep -v ^! | grep -v "Converted from" | grep ^\" |tr '\n' ','| tr -d "\015")
parsons=$(./parsons "$tunepath")
echo "$tunepath,$tune,$keywords" >> bww.list
echo "$tunepath,$parsons" >> bww.list.parsons
chown www-data bww.list*

Converting for parsons code.

echo -n "\""
for f in `cat "$1"` ;do echo "$f" |  tr -cd "[A-HL]_[0-9]" ; echo  ; done | grep -v '^$' |grep _ > /tmp/parsons
let count=0
for f in `cat /tmp/parsons| tr -cd "[A-HL] \n"` ;do
  if [ "$f" = "LG" ] ; then g=0; fi
  if [ "$f" = "LA" ] ; then g=1; fi
  if [ "$f" = "B" ] ; then g=2; fi
  if [ "$f" = "C" ] ; then g=3; fi
  if [ "$f" = "D" ] ; then g=4; fi
  if [ "$f" = "E" ] ; then g=5; fi
  if [ "$f" = "F" ] ; then g=6; fi
  if [ "$f" = "HG" ] ; then g=7; fi
  if [ "$f" = "HA" ] ; then g=8; fi
 if [ $count -eq 0 ] ;then 
  echo -n "*"; 
 if [ "2$g" -eq "2$last" ] ; then echo -n "r" ; fi
 if [ "2$g" -lt "2$last" ] ; then echo -n "d" ; fi
 if [ "2$g" -gt "2$last" ] ; then echo -n "u" ; fi
echo "\""

Just place all files in a directory on a php enabled webserver.
The bash script is being run daily.
(parsons bash script is called from this main script)
These will generate 2 files
One with the filename and all useful text like composers.
And a file with the filename and the parsons code.

11th of September, The.bww,"*udduddudduddudurrdudrrdudduddudrrduuuuududurrdudrrurrdududurrdudrrduddudurrduudduddudduddududdurdudrurdduddududr

Example screenshots

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