Last Updated or created 2022-08-14
python mch2022-tools/ /flash/apps/python/easy for f in easy.mp3 easy.png icon.png ; do python mch2022-tools/ $f /flash/apps/python/easy/$f ; done
Micropython code
mport display import mch22 from audio import play import buttons from time import sleep from machine import Pin from neopixel import NeoPixel powerPin = Pin(19, Pin.OUT) dataPin = Pin(5, Pin.OUT) np = NeoPixel(dataPin, 5) powerPin.on() def on_home_btn(pressed): if pressed: mch22.exit_python() display.drawPng(0,0,"/apps/python/easy/easy.png") display.flush() # Led setup # 2 3 # 1 # 0 4 np[0] = (23,5,15) np[1] = (3,15,22) np[2] = (25,24,1) np[3] = (25,24,1) np[4] = (23,4,15) np.write() buttons.attach(buttons.BTN_HOME, on_home_btn) # playing with volume 0 to wakeup sound device, else it is going to clip play('/apps/python/easy/easy.mp3', volume=0) sleep(7) while True: play('/apps/python/easy/easy.mp3', volume=100) sleep(30)