Arduino Concertina

Last Updated or created 2023-01-17

Lets try to make a Electronic Concertina


First design

So we need some pushbuttons … at least 14 .. for the most simple tunes.
A sensor for push and pull.
A buzzer or better yet .. a jack for earphones.
Arduino with enough pins to connect a keyboard matrix.
When using a keyboard matrix only single keypresses are detected.
So we cant do chords!

Raspberry Zero with display

Last Updated or created 2022-12-28

I’ve installed a headless Raspbian on a Pi Zero with a 2×16 Chars lcd display. As part of the Escape Room over the internet

Using the raspberry imager:
I’ve set the username/password and ssh access in this tool.
For wifi access i’ve placed below file on the SDcard in /boot
(You can do this in the tool, but i want to make this dynamic when connected at a remote site.)
file: wpa_supplicant.conf



ssh into the RPi

sudo raspi-config
Interface options and enable I2C

sudo apt-get install python3-smbus


For python3 edit the example and put at the top

# requires
import RPi_I2C_driver
from time import *
unichr = chr

Run with 
lcd display with i2c backpack
I2C backpack

Below is a mockup session.

Next todo:

  • Add more hardware (like buttons) to the RPI
  • Configure an Accesspoint on this Rpi for other devices to connect to
  • Install a local Mqtt broker, which connects secure to my internet facing broker
Setup example

Started on a mobile over the internet Escape room experiment

Last Updated or created 2022-12-28

I’ve been working on some modular gadgets which can be combined to make a complete puzzle.

I like games like Keep-talking-and-nobody-dies. (Which is a computer game, but you have to play it with multiple persons and a physical “manual” Great fun!)

And i like real escape rooms.
There are some puzzle “rooms” you can buy in the game store, it is okay but many are for single use only.

I’ve been following some people on youtube, i saw some great ideas but not a remote over the internet using physical knobs and switches.

This is a RFID reader with an old Amico Esp8266 Arduino. It sends RFID information to the MQTT broker

Some other tools ‘n knobs .. and stuff

I want to use Adhoc Wifi and a Mqtt/Nodered setup which uses a mqtt over the internet to get people (and their knobs) connected

I already got a lot of test schematics

Left part of the “connect the wires puzzle” right a solenoid electrical lock)

Schematic for the MQTT enabled RFID module

ESP8266 <-> RC522
D8            SDA
D5            SCK
D7           MOSI
D6           MISO
GND           GND
D1            RST
3V3           3V3


Below will write the RFID id to “rfid/id” and resets this when you remove the tag to “rfid/id = 0”

#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <WiFiClient.h>
#include <PubSubClient.h>
#include <MFRC522.h>

#define SS_PIN D8
#define RST_PIN D1

MFRC522 mfrc522(SS_PIN, RST_PIN);
unsigned long cardId = 0;

WiFiClient net;
PubSubClient client(net);

const char* mqtt_server = "MQTTBROKER";
const char* ssid = "MYSSID";
const char* password = "MYWIFIPASSWD";

void setup() {

  WiFi.begin(ssid, password);

  client.setServer(mqtt_server, 1883);

void reconnect() {
  while (WiFi.waitForConnectResult() != WL_CONNECTED) {
    WiFi.begin(ssid, password);

  while (!client.connected()) {
    String clientId = "NodeMCUClient-";
    clientId += String(random(0xffff), HEX);

    if (!client.connect(clientId.c_str(), "rfidclient", "...")) {

void loop() {

  if (!mfrc522.PICC_IsNewCardPresent()) {

  if (!mfrc522.PICC_ReadCardSerial()) {

  cardId = getCardId();

  char buffer[10];
  sprintf(buffer, "%lu", cardId);
  client.publish("rfid/id", buffer);

  uint8_t control = 0x00;

  do {
    control = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
      if (!mfrc522.PICC_IsNewCardPresent()) {
        if (mfrc522.PICC_ReadCardSerial()) {
          control |= 0x16;

        if (mfrc522.PICC_ReadCardSerial()) {
          control |= 0x16;
        control += 0x1;
      control += 0x4;

  } while (control == 13 || control == 14);

  client.publish("rfid/id", "0");


unsigned long getCardId() {
  byte readCard[4];
  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    readCard[i] = mfrc522.uid.uidByte[i];

  return (unsigned long)readCard[0] << 24
    | (unsigned long)readCard[1] << 16
    | (unsigned long)readCard[2] << 8
    | (unsigned long)readCard[3];

Schematics used for the Solenoid lock

Software is a mqtt example from the internet which toggles a PIN on the arduino.

Serial link between MSDos and Linux troubles

Last Updated or created 2022-12-28

In post i mentioned the serial connectors i’ve bought to connect the Laser XT to my Workstation to transfer files.

The null modem i’ve made is like mentioned on

I’ve used the loopback handshaking using 3 wires. ( Only using a DB25 and a DB9 on the other end )

So i configured the Linux side as follows.

I’ve tried two usb to serial converters.

Both when trying on windows 10 are not supported any more

Dec 14 17:34:40 zspot kernel: [ 1082.299607] usb 1-4: pl2303 converter now attached to ttyUSB0

sudo stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 9600

Then i start dosbox.
To enable a com port i have to enter:

serial1=directserial realport:ttyUSB0

Starting Norton Commander and selecting COM1

After a few seconds i got this ..

What else is there to check?
At least i’ve still got the Flux Engine!

Locate and delete file copies

Last Updated or created 2022-12-28

A simple script to locate files and select which to delete.
Uses md5sum to compare
(just be sure locatedb is up to date!)

./locatemd5 VID_20130926_211302.mp4
1 : 125a65e830c1f3654714daa0f8a41699  /tank/Backup/Nae Bother Drive/Movies/VID_20130926_211302.mp4
2 : 125a65e830c1f3654714daa0f8a41699  /tank/Backup/rclonegdrive/Nae Bother Drive/Movies/VID_20130926_211302.mp4
3 : 125a65e830c1f3654714daa0f8a41699  /tank/Private/Henri/_All online drives/Google Drive Henri/Nae Bother Drive/Movies/VID_20130926_211302.mp4
4 : 125a65e830c1f3654714daa0f8a41699  /tank/Private/gfx/Gsm/GSM Henri/nexus/2013/20130926/VID_20130926_211302.mp4
5 : 125a65e830c1f3654714daa0f8a41699  /tank/Private/Work Directory/Sorted/movies/own/VID_20130926_211302.mp4
6 : 82cd340b2b54d3ef65a02c8f31b04970  /tank/Private/www/cutshort/VID_20130926_211302.mp4
---------- which to delete ---------------
1 2 3 5
delete 1 /tank/Backup/Nae Bother Drive/Movies/VID_20130926_211302.mp4
rm: remove regular file '/tank/Backup/Nae Bother Drive/Movies/VID_20130926_211302.mp4'? y
delete 2 /tank/Backup/rclonegdrive/Nae Bother Drive/Movies/VID_20130926_211302.mp4
rm: remove regular file '/tank/Backup/rclonegdrive/Nae Bother Drive/Movies/VID_20130926_211302.mp4'? y
delete 3 /tank/Private/Henri/_All online drives/Google Drive Henri/Nae Bother Drive/Movies/VID_20130926_211302.mp4
rm: remove regular file '/tank/Private/Henri/_All online drives/Google Drive Henri/Nae Bother Drive/Movies/VID_20130926_211302.mp4'? y
delete 5 /tank/Private/Work Directory/Sorted/movies/own/VID_20130926_211302.mp4
rm: remove regular file '/tank/Private/Work Directory/Sorted/movies/own/VID_20130926_211302.mp4'? y

Bash Script

# below gets array from subshell
shopt -s lastpipe

locate "$1" | while read file ; do
        md5sum=$(md5sum "$file")
        echo  "$nr : $md5sum"
        (( nr++ ))
echo  "---------- which to delete ---------------"
read numbers
for f in $numbers ; do
 echo "delete $f ${myArray[$f]}"
 rm -i "${myArray[$f]}"

Magic Mirror no more .. lets reuse the display

Last Updated or created 2022-12-28

I never look in the mirror, so why do i need one?
The mirror foil was already ugly in the corners.
There were bumps.
Never finished a proper interface

This one was made using a touch screen, so there are always fingerprints you could see

I’m going to use the display for an in-house small Escape Room idea i have.

Only the time part still worked, but i could not find the right cables for the touch part. The buttons displayed are meaningless anyway 🙂
Just a mockup

Mirror part was done using a Safety/One way mirror foil.
Cut a part as large as you screen, spray a little water and stick it on.

At some point i displayed Dashticz on there.
Apparently i started playing with a magic mirror setup in 2015, according some timestamps of code on my fileserver.

Generating PDFs from abc files to include in tunebooks.

Last Updated or created 2022-12-28

see :

Edit or download a ABC music file

(More info about music notation programs )

I wanted to learn Bella Ciao on my Concertina. I find the sound of the Concerina fitting the tune. So i used vi and conversion tools to create a pdf for my concertina tunebook.

(While being popular nowadays because it was used in La Casa de Papel (Money Heist). It has a interesting history)

T: Bella Ciao
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
R: reel
Zz EAB | cA-A z  EAB | cA-A z  EAB | c2 BA c2 BA | 
e2 e2 eede | ff-f2 z fed | | fe-e z edc | B2 e2 c2 B2 | 
A4 z z de | ff-f2 z fed | fe-e2 z edc | B2 e2 c2 B2 | 
w: "repeat\ from\ beginning"
A4 z EAB | cA-A z  EAB | cA-A z  EAB | c2 BA c2 BA |
e2 e2 e2 de | ff-f2 z fed | fe-e z edc | B2 e2 c2 B2 |
A4 z EAB | cA-A z  EAB | cA-A z  EAB | c2 BA c2 BA |
e2 e2 eede | ff-f2 z fed | fe-e2 z edc | B2 e2 c2 B2 | 
A4 z ede | ff-f2 z fed | fe-e2 z edc | B2 e2 ^f2 ^g2 | a4 Zz |

Using below command, I get a nicely formatted PDF

abcm2ps -x -O - | ps2pdf  -sPAPERSIZE=a4 - bella.pdf

I’ll probably automate this, for example include this in the tunebook generator. Something like : “If abc file in subdir create pdf to include”

# Reads every file in abcsources and writes filename.pdf in current directory
ls abcsources/*abc | while read abc ; do  abcm2ps -x -O - "$abc" | ps2pdf  -sPAPERSIZE=a4 - "$(echo  $abc | cut -f2 -d/ | sed 's/abc/pdf/g')" ;done

I admire people who excel at things they do

Last Updated or created 2023-10-14

These are my lists, but i’m open for discussions/questions
Work in progress


  • Tom Hanks
  • John Lithgow
  • Dennis Lee Hopper
  • Jack Nicholson
  • Clint Eastwood
  • Dustin Hoffman
  • Rutger Hauer (RIP) .. see “De kijk van Koolhoven” why


  • H.R. Giger
  • M.C. Escher
  • César Manrique
  • Comics ( Details from  André Franquin, Dark Humor Koen Hottentot,  Don Lawrence, Don Martin ) to name a few, they are spot on
One of my comic collections – Don Martin

Classical Music

  • Paganini
  • Ludovico Einaudi


  • Ennio Morricone
  • Hans Zimmer
  • John Williams ( with a remark )
    Some of the Starwars Suite was taken from already existing music
    ( See ! )
    Gustav Holst – The Planets Suite – Mars part for example

Folk/pipers (composers)

  • Gordon Duncan (RIP)
  • Fred Morrison
  • RS MacDonald
  • Paddy Keenan

A (bad) comic i drew about Gordon Duncan in 2012


Bands (non folk)

Rammstein – I know, seems like a obvious populair choice.
But hear me out.

I like classical till metal. But it has to be musically interesting.

Most (non-german) people don’t listen to the lyrics, i did not either.
I found the music okay. Then i started to listen to the lyrics.

The lyrics are surprisingly deep.
Layers in the text, word jokes like:
Du… (you)
Du hast… (you have, but sounds like hasst .. You hate)
Du hast mich… ( You have me, or sounds like you hate me)
Du hast mich…
Du hast mich gefragt… (You have asked me)

Although people think they are fascists or far-right. Coming from the punk scene, they are kind of the opposite.

Everything they do has a meaning, but sometimes you can “paste” different stories about the song.

Listen to Ohne Dich, and then see the Music Video.

Have a good listen to Germany, and Man gegen man.
There are others better in explaining .. see:

And a AI generated Music Video .. perfectly matching the Lyrics

Check out this YT channel, all kinds of musicians .. transcripted (is this a word?) by this dude.

Migrating some old Sonoff S20 smart plugs

Last Updated or created 2022-12-28

(From ESPEASY to ESPHOME without soldering)

I previously had these smartplugs flashed with EspEasy (I hate cloud enabled devices)
I will post something about flashing these and others.
Maybe … because you can find a lot of information on the internet.
But i’ve used several tools, and made tools for this process.
( Raspberry Zero mobile tool and 3D printed PCB holder for example)

Well ..

I was using these devices in our previous home using curl commands and on a main wifi network.
So i have to change the SSID and migrate from Espeasy to ESPhome so i can use these devices with Home Assistant.

Step 1 : Start in Access Point mode and migrate to my current Wifi Iot network.

Using my phone i made the necessary changes.

Goto HomeAssistant and ESPhome (you need to install this first via HACS)
Press the green + Add device and give it a name

Next select the device type (Sonoff S20 in this case)

Press install and select manual download

Above will compile a binary for the Sonoff device.

Go back to your Sonoff interface and go to the tools tab.
We can reflash the device without connecting this with wires to our computer.

Press Firmware load and select your downloaded binary

Back in HA it should say “online”

Pressing edit gives us a config page. Nothing works .. yet
We need to add some yaml entries.
( use )

  - platform: gpio
      number: GPIO0
        input: true
        pullup: true
      inverted: true
    name: "Sonoff S20 Button"
  - platform: status
    name: "Sonoff S20 Status"
  - platform: gpio
    pin: GPIO2
    name: "Sonoff S20 Sensor"

  - platform: gpio
    name: "Sonoff S20 Relay"
    pin: GPIO12

  # Register the green LED as a dimmable output ....
  - platform: esp8266_pwm
    id: s20_green_led
      number: GPIO13
      inverted: true

  # ... and then make a light out of it.
  - platform: monochromatic
    name: "Sonoff S20 Green LED"
    output: s20_green_led

Now press install

Now we can use wirelessly to upload the config

After this the device can be discovered by HA

Click add, and use the encryption key found in the yaml config to add
