Last Updated or created 2023-01-05
When i’m looking for certain files on my fileserver i sometimes have to fallback to locate.
Most of the times i use the methods mentioned in :
The script below helps me to copy located files to a temporary directory.
(Which is excluded in al kinds of other find tools)
It will remove the slashes in a path, but keeps the rest.
- You can pipe to this script
- All files in 1 directory, but NO overwrite of files (keeps path). This allows for easy browsing with a picture viewer.
- Want to know original path, look at the filename .. think of where the slashes should go
Lets find all jpg’s which linux in its name
# this will list all found files locate -i linux | grep -i jpg$ output example (see below) (With slashes and spaces) /tank/WorkDirectory/TMP/UITZOEKEN/cds uitzoeken/div/141/31/cd3/done/gfx/linux-from-scratch.jpg
#!/bin/bash mkdir -p /mnt/private/TEMP/$$ cat - | while read line ; do cp "$line" /mnt/private/TEMP/$$/$(echo "$line" | tr -cd 'A-Za-z0-9._-' ; echo "" ) ;done
When running combined command:
locate -i linux | grep -i jpg$ | cplocatescript
It will create a directory like below
ls /mnt/private/28723/ fileserverHenri__newsort__WorkDirectory2018_ltstufffromlaptopsnew_uitzuitzoekenWERKDIRECTORY-DEC-2010cd6wwwhtdocsworklinux-project14l.jpg fileserverHenri__newsort__WorkDirectory2018_ltstufffromlaptopsnew_uitzuitzoekenWERKDIRECTORY-DEC-2010cd6wwwhtdocsworklinux-project14s.jpg tankWorkDirectoryTMPUITZOEKENcds-uitzoekendiv14131cd3donegfxlinux-from-scratch.jpg tankWorkDirectoryTMPUITZOEKENcds-uitzoekendiv17166dataUNISONBACKUP_TO_HOMEUNISON_DONELINUX_FROM_SCRATCH.JPG tankWorkDirectoryTMPUITZOEKENcds-uitzoekendiv982datalinux-presentatiespresentatie.hp.nllinux_cd_deel3Imagescdromtitel.jpg etc ... etc ... etc ...