Last Updated or created 2023-07-12
Followup on :
I wrote a little python script which checks the checksum of a Bios.
In a previous post i used hexedit to play around changing a Bios dump.
Below posted python script calculates the checkum using the following:
Add all bytes in the file and do a modulo 256 on this number. The output should be 0.
My previous edit gave me a output of C2, so I changed an unused byte FF into (FF-C2) 3D.
No more checksum errors when booting!
Next to do, get a Bios like Glabios or PcXtBios to start my own code from a secondary Eeprom.
import sys # Bios sum modulo should be 0 # edit last or unused byte to fix # python MYROM.edit.checksum # 0 f = open(sys.argv[1],'rb') m = print '%x' % ( ( sum(ord(c) for c in m) & 0xFFFFFFFF ) % 256 )
import sys # Bios sum modulo should be 0 # edit last or unused byte to fix # python MYROM.edit.checksum # 0 f = open(sys.argv[1],'rb') m = checksum = ( ( sum((c) for c in m) & 0xFFFFFFFF ) % 256 ) print(checksum, 'in hex =', hex(checksum))