Last Updated or created 2023-06-20
Just back from my 3 week trip to Italy.
Made 5000-odd photos.
Using my posted scripts they are easily sorted.
But some are crooked, lets fix them.
Not a straight horizon:
Lets open this photo in Gimp
Easy to fix:
- Open in Gimp
- Go to measure tool
- Orientation – auto and transform layer
- Select the horizon on the left (do not release the mouse button) and draw to the right
- Press straighten
Easy ..
Another fix below : Perspective
Sometimes you want to look straight at a picture, but when taking a picture there is something preventing this.
- Other tourists won’t move away from a information sign, so you have to take the picture from an angle.
- The image is far up a wall.
- Or as in example below, the Roman mosaic is on the floor, no way to take a picture from above.

- Open in gimp
- Select from tools > Transform Tools
- Handle transform or press SHIFT-L
- Select a corner and drag, repeat until satisfied